Wearable technologies, sensors and biomarkers for care through Digital Twin approaches   

Leader:  Sapienza Università di Roma

Co-leader:  Università degli Studi del Molise, Consiglio Nazionale delle Ricerche

Affiliates:  Università degli Studi di Salerno, Politecnico di Torino, Politecnico di Bari, Neuromed - Istituto Neurologico Mediterraneo, Azienda Ospedaliera Universitaria Senese, Università degli Studi Magna Graecia di Catanzaro, IRCSS CROB, Istituto Superiore di Sanità, ASL 3 Nuoro, Università degli Studi di Milano

Spoke 3, as for what regards the project itself, will answer all the three axes around which the NRRP was build:

1.  Digitalization and innovation. Spoke 3 will focus on the development and validation of innovative technologies, including wearable sensors and non-invasive prognostic and diagnostic biomarkers, for the management of oncological and autoimmune reference pathologies. The use of the proposed innovative technologies and mathematical modeling in terms of sensor technology and eHealth, artificial intelligence techniques, will be based on a virtual network among the Spoke Leader, Spoke Co-Leader and Affiliates; activities will be integrated with the ultimate goal of increasing the effectiveness and quality of prevention, diagnosis, and treatment strategies for the reference communities, while lowering costs for the NHS.

2.  Ecologic transition. The deployment of e-Health solutions will indirectly affect and improve the ecologic transition of the nation for the following reasons:

a.   home-based disease monitoring and therapies for the reference communities will be promoted, maintaining patient independence, reducing inappropriate use of hospital facilities

b.   clinical activity will be delivered digitally using the validated devices

c.   the envisioned reduction of hospitalizations rate and will provide a decrease in greenhouse gas emissions, which are notoriously caused by health care operations in hospital facilities contributing significantly to climate change (currently responsible for nearly 10%)

d.   reduction of health care "commuting" both regionally and nationally, with less CO2 emissions from cars.

3.  Social inclusion, especially concerning the North-South gap and ensuring equality in accessibility to the best care to all citizens. Ultimately, the improvement of the quality of life and living conditions will equally affect citizens from every Italian territory. Indeed, access to the validated e-Health solutions, to knowledge, research, and care between and within Italian territories, regions, and between people of different socio-economic backgrounds, genders, and age groups will be guaranteed. Education measures, addressed to both healthcare professionals and patients, will be implemented in the project to ensure appropriate use, and understanding of the technological tools developed and validated in Spoke 3, especially for the elderly.