HELMeTO 2021-Pisa

Keynote Speakers

Mattew Gray (Head of Product & Design - Productivity Engineering & Transformation at ION Group)


The new normal: Learn how AI and the digitalization of human capital will enable the future of work and education in a post-pandemic world


The "future of work" which has been talked about for quite some time is upon us. Effects of the COVID pandemic have already transformed the way that we work and learn, but the longer-term transformation towards the "new normal" is only just beginning. As executives and administrators debate how and when to get back into offices and onto campuses, many are ignoring larger macro changes which will fundamentally shake the foundation of the modern world. Companies and educators which leverage the technology now in place and embrace the incoming generational shifts will thrive, but others will miss the mark and be left behind.

Learn how the standardization and digitalization of human capital will help lay a foundation to transform the ways that we work and learn. Codified skills and personality traits will open the door towards a more meritocratic future where it becomes feasible for AI to match people to opportunities algorithmically based on their qualifications. Adding on a structured view of individual goals, aspirations and interests will help ensure that everyone finds the right opportunity for them - not only to maximize their career, but also their overall experience on earth.


Matt Gray is a technology executive and startup founder, focused on transforming the lives of individuals by solving problems with products that leverage technology in innovative ways. He is currently the Chief Product Officer of ConnectX, a provider of algorithmic talent matching software, and the CEO & Founder of Pangea Technology, a travel community focused on enabling serendipity by connecting people to places.

Matt started his career at ION Group, a global leader in financial technology, where he was involved in the operational integration of acquired companies, seeing first-hand the challenges that organizations faced around the fungibility of talent. He went on to serve as Chief Product Officer for ION's Productivity Engineering & Transformation group where he was involved in building a platform to algorithmically match people to projects to solve these challenges across ION's operating companies. The product is now branded as ConnectX and available for demo by external organizations.

Throughout his career, Matt has had the opportunity to connect with colleagues in more than 25 ION offices, and travel to more than 70 countries, inspiring a love for connecting with different people and cultures around the world. This has inspired him to create Pangea, a next generation travel app which plans to launch its Beta later this year.

Prior to ION, Matt studied Finance & Entrepreneurship at the Villanova School of Business. In his spare time, Matt enjoys scuba diving, kitesurfing, skiing, drone photography, and traveling.

Prof. Cristóbal Romero (University of Cordoba, Spain)


Educational data mining and learning analytics: An updated survey


This talk show in a comprehensible and very general way how Educational Data Mining and Learning Analytics have been applied over educational data. In the last decade, this research area has evolved enormously and a wide range of related terms are now used in the bibliography such as Academic Analytics, Institutional Analytics, Teaching Analytics, Data-Driven Education, Data-Driven Decision-Making in Education, Big Data in Education, and Educational Data Science. This talk provides the current state of the art by reviewing the main publications, the key milestones, the knowledge discovery cycle, the main educational environments, the specific tools, the free available datasets, the most used methods, the main objectives, and the future trends in this research area.


Cristóbal Romero (http://www.uco.es/~in1romoc/) is Full Professor at the University of Córdoba in Spain and member of the KDIS (Knowledge Discovery and Intelligent Systems) research group. His main research interests are the application of data mining/learning analytics and artificial intelligence techniques to educational data/environment/domain. He has published more than 150 papers in books, journals and conferences, 50 of which have been published in Thomson-Reuters Impact Factor (IF) journals and some of them are important EDM (Educational Data Mining) surveys/reviews. He was also the co-editor of several special issues and two books regarding EDM specific topics. He was a founding officers of the international EDM society and he has served in the program committee of a great number of international conferences about education, personalization, data mining, AI and he has organized as Program Chair and Conference Chair several editions of EDM conference. Currently, he is associate editor of the IEEE Transaction on Learning Technologies journal.

Anna Dipace

Maka Eradze

Prof. Anna Dipace (University of Foggia, Italy)

Dr. Maka Eradze (University of Foggia, Italy)


Covid-19 educational emergency: magnifying glasses for the field of educational technology


The speakers will focus on the meaning of the pandemic in the field of technology-enhanced learning. Based on the extensive, multiphase mixed research they have conducted, they will share their main reflections and lessons learned from the educational emergency we have witnessed from theoretical, practical and technological points of view, mainly from the perspective of technology-enhanced research. They will also present some findings that are relevant for the prospects of innovative teaching methods and teacher professional development.


Anna Dipace, PhD, is Associate Professor in Experimental Pedagogy at the Department of Education and Human Sciences -University of Foggia. She is General Secretary of Italian Association of Media Education (SIREM).

Her specific skills and research interests are Teaching in new learning environments, digital education, methodology of educational research, e-learning and Mooc platform, game-based learning research. She is an author of numerous publications in technology-enhanced learning and didactic methodologies, co-editor and reviewer for numerous national and international journals.

Maka Eradze (born Tbilisi, Georgia) PhD is a technology-enhanced Learning researcher. She has obtained her doctoral degree with a specialisation in Technology-Enhanced Learning from Tallinn University (Estonia). Currently, she is a Programme Manager of Educational Research at the University of Foggia, Italy. Previously a research fellow at the University of Modena and Reggio Emilia, she has also worked as a researcher at the University of Naples Federico II. Her research interests include technology-enhanced learning, use of tools in education both in university and school contexts, learning analytics, learning design, blended learning, multimodal classroom observations, massive online open courses, design research and research-based design of educational innovation, and educational research methodologies and methods in general. She is an author of numerous publications in technology-enhanced learning, co-editor and reviewer for international journals, programme and organising board member of a number of international conferences.