HELMeTO 2021-Pisa

Important Dates


  • Special Tracks Proposal Submission: December 31, 2020

  • Submission deadline of extended abstracts: April 15, 2021 (extended)

  • Notification of acceptance of abstracts: May 24, 2021 (extended)

  • Submission of REVISED Abstract: June 15, 2021 (extended)

  • Pre-Registration deadline for Authors: June 30, 2021 (extended)

  • Early Registration deadline for non Authors: August 5, 2021(extended)

  • Workshop dates: September, 9-10, 2021

Full Papers submission

  • Submission deadline of full papers:September 15, 2021 (Strict Deadline, it will be not extended)

  • Notification of acceptance of Full Papers: October 5, 2021 (extended)

  • Camera ready submissions of accepted full papers: October 25, 2021 (extended)