
Thursday 23 May

10.30 – 11.00 Opening Session

Session I Chairman Roberto Natalini

11.00 – 11.25 Alberto Cialdea (University of Basilicata)

Completeness theorems on the boundary 

11.25 – 11.50 Ezio Venturino (University of Turin)

A line method for reaction-diffusion models of nonlocal type

11.50 – 12.15 Henrik Laurberg Pedersen (University of Copenhagen, Denmark) online

Generalized Bernstein functions 

12.15 – 12.40 Francisco Jose Marcellán Español (Univeridad Carlos III, Spain) online

Dunkl symmetrically coherent pairs of measures. Applications to Sobolev orthogonalityes 

12.40 – 13.15 Alessio Gizzi (University Campus Bio-Medico, Rome)

Nonlinear dynamics in reaction-diffusion biological systems

13.15 – 15.00 Lunch

Session II Chairman Renato Spigler

15.00 – 15.25 Nicola Mastronardi (IAC - CNR)

Simultaneous Gaussian quadrature rules for multiple orthogonal polynomials 

15.25 – 15.50 Francesco Mainardi (University of Bologna)

Mathematical Models in Linear Viscoelasticity: Recent Results 

15.50 – 16.15 Giuseppe Dattoli (ENEA, Frascati)

Generalized Forms of logistic and Burgers equations 

16.15 – 16.40 Gianluca Vinti (University of Perugia)

Approximation by sampling type operators and application to digital image processing

16.40 – 17.00 Coffee Break

Session III Chairman Gabriella Bretti

17.00 – 17.25 Luisa Beghin (Sapienza University of Rome)

A class of stochastic processes related to Hadamard operators and Le Roy functions 

17.25 – 17.50 Matthew He (Nova Southeastern University, USA)

Polynomials, Eigenvalues, and Recurrence 

17.50 – 18.15 Johan Gielis (University of Antwerp)

Universal Natural Shapes and Generalized Möbius-Listing Bodies 

18.15 – 18.40 Diego Caratelli (Eindhoven University of Technology) online

Advances in BVP Theory, Fractional Calculus, and Special Functions 

20.00 Social Dinner

Friday 24 May

Session IV Chairman Pierpaolo Natalini

9.00 – 9.25 Praveen Agarwal (ANAND College, India) online

Struve functions and their geometrical and computational properties

9.25 – 9.50 Alvise Sommariva (University of Padova)

It will be a survey on Lebesgue constants (not available at the moment) 

9.50 – 10.15 Roberto Cavoretto (University of Turin)

Residual sub-sampling methods for adaptive kernel-based interpolation 

10.15 – 10.40 Donatella Occorsio (University of Basilicata)

A method to evaluate the Hilbert Transform on (0, +∞ )

10.40 – 11.10 coffee break

Session V Chairman Gabriella Bretti

11.10 – 11.35 Luca Placidi (Uninettuno University)

An hemivariational-based method for geotechnical engineering applications 

11.35 – 12.00 Francesco Dell’Accio (University of Calabria)

Multinode Shepard Method: From Surface Reconstruction to Numerical Solution of PDEs 

12.00 – 12.25 Stefano De Marchi (University of Padova) online

(β,γ)-Chebyshev functions and their properties 

12.25 – 12.50 Enzo Orsingher (Sapienza University of Rome)

Airy functions and heat equations of higher order 

12.50 – 14.30 Lunch

Session VI Chairman Pierpaolo Natalini

14.30 – 14.55 Flavia Lanzara (Sapienza University of Rome)

Approximate solutions of some problems in thermoelasticity based on Gaussians 

14.55 – 15.20 Daniela Mansutti (IAC – CNR, Rome)

Numerical solution of rock-glacier flow equations versus on-field measurements 

15.20 – 15.45 Sadettin Kursun (National Defence University, Turkish Military Academy) online

On approximation by bivariate exponential type sampling series in logarithmic weighted spaces 

15.45 – 16.10 Roman Dmytryshyn (Vasyl Stefanyk Precarpathian National University) online

Representation of some hypergeometric functions of two variables by branched continued fractions 

16.10 – 16.35 Domenico Mezzanotte (University of Torino)

Solution of Fredholm integral equations by the constrained mock-Chebyshev operator 

16.35 – 17:00 coffee break

Session VII Chairman Clemente Cesarano

17.00 – 17.25 Alessandro Mazzoccoli (University of RomaTre)

Wavelet Analysis of Financial Data in the Time-Frequency Domain 

17.25 – 17.50 Nurettin Yilmaz (University of L’Aquila)

Exploring critical state concept in granular materials using variationally-based micromechanical approach to damage-elasto-plastic mechanics 

17.50 – 18.15 Youssouf Massoun (University of Algiers) online

Numerical study of fractioal SIR model 

18.15 – 18.40 Roberto Garra (Uninettuno University)

Applications of Hermite and Laguerre type polynomials in Burgers like equations 

18:40 19:05 Metin Turgay (Selçuk University) online

Approximation Results of Modified Generalized Sampling Series