Paolo Emilio Ricci

Paolo Emilio Ricci received his Doctorial degree (cum laude) under the supervision of Prof. Gaetano Fichera at Rome University “Sapienza”. He was teaching and researching for forty years at the University of Rome and Catania. He was professor at the University Campus Bio-medico of Rome for several years. At present he is appointed at the UniNettuno International Telematic University in Rome, where he is a member of the Section of Mathematics "Luciano Modica". He was also the main organizer of the Symposia “Problemi attuali dell’Analisi e della Fisica Matematica”, Taormina (I: 1992; II: 1998; III: 2006); and member of the Scientific and Organizing Committe of the meetings: “Orthogonal Polynomials, Special Functions and their Applications” (6th: 2001 Ostia; 7th: 2003, Copenhagen); “3rd Workshop on Advanced Special Functions and Related Topics in Differential Equations”, (2001) Melfi; “Potential Theory: Applications in Solid Mechanics and Acoustic and Electromagnetic scattering theory”, (2003) Tbilisi; “Complex Analysis, Partial Differential Equations and Mechanics of Continua”, (2007) Tbilisi; “Analysis, PDEs and Applications”, (2008) Roma. He presented his research at many conferences (Darmstadt, Moscow State University, Steklov Institute in St. Petersburg, I. Vekua Institute of Applied Mathematics in Tbilisi, Tel Aviv, Guangzhou, Rostock, Chemnitz, Budapest, Jaipur, etc.) He is the author/coauthor of more than 280 scientific papers and author/editor of several books in the areas of pure and applied mathematics concerning the following fields: special functions, integral and discrete transforms, symbolic and umbral calculus, ordinary and partial differential equations, asymptotic analysis, quadrature rules, symmetrization problems, eigenvalues, matrix functions, and other related subjects. In 2003 he received Laurea H.C. from I. Vekua Institute of Applied Mathematics, Tbilisi State University, Georgia; in 2015 he was awarded with the Prize of the Simon Stevin Institute for Geometry, Zandvoort, The Netherlands; in 2016 he received the Life-time achievement award and in 2022 the Golden Jubilee Award from Vijnana Parishad of India (Society for Applications of Mathematics), Bundelkhand University, Jhansi, U.P. India.