A two days on

Approximation Theory 

and Applications

a Conference in honor of Paolo Emilio Ricci on his 80th Birthday

Istituto per le Applicazioni del Calcolo "Mauro Picone"  IAC - CNR

Rome, Italy - May 23 - 24, 2024

For participation online

A two days conference on Approximation Theory and Applications will be held to congratulate Paolo Emilio Ricci whose research activity embraced various aspects of applied mathematics. To keep faith to the strong interdisciplinarity that characterized his career, the goal of this conference is to bring together researchers working in different fields of numerical analysis and mathematical modelling, with a special focus on special functions in approximation theory; operational methods; non-trigonometric Fourier analysis; polynomial and trigonometric approximation; quadrature formulas; Bell polynomials and applications to Laplace transform; Laguerre-type functions; numerical methods for integral equations; eigenvalue approximation; modeling of geometric shapes; fractional differential problems; classical numbers and polynomials in fractional context; approximation algorithms for biological models. 

The conference will be held in hybrid form: although it will be possible to participate online, attendance in person is strongly recommended. 


Istituto per le Applicazioni del Calcolo "Mauro Picone"


Section of Mathematics "Luciano Modica"

 Uninettuno University