PhD Students

PhD Students

Maurizio Trudu


Research topic: The Pre-theoretical Dimension in the Philosophy of Fichte and Husserl

Tutor: prof. Matteo Vincenzo d'Alfonso; prof. Federico Ferraguto

Abstract: This PhD research project aims to identify a point of convergence between the philosophy of Husserl and Fichte. Husserl did not directly come into contact with the main Fichtian texts, but he studied Fichte's thought indirectly through the mediation of the Neo-Kantian philosophy. As a result of this fact, this research will be developed into two thematic guidelines. Firstly, the role of Fichtian philosophy in the “back-to-Kant!” movement will be analysed in detail. Secondly, the specific function of Neo-Kantian thought in the genesis of Husserlian phenomenology will be delineated and clarified. The main hypothesis is that such a convergence lies in the so-called “pre-theoretical dimension” of the two philosophers' thought, which would emerge, in particular, by means of a radicalisation of their respective transcendental arguments.

Curriculum Vitae:

  • Since 2020 - Phd student - Pontifícia Universidade Católica do Paraná (PUCPR) and Università degli Studi di Ferrara (UNIFE)

  • 2020 - Master's Degree in Filosofia del Mondo Contemporaneo - Università Vita-Salute S. Raffaele (UNISR)

  • 2017 - Degree in Philosophy - Università degli Studi di Cagliari (UNICA)

Alice Giarolo


Research topic: The Geographicity of the Living. From Augustin Berque to Maurice Merleau-Ponty

Tutor: prof. Matteo Vincenzo d'Alfonso; prof. Ericson Falabretti

Curriculum vitae:

  • since 2020 - Phd student - Pontifícia Universidade Católica do Paraná (PUCPR) and Università degli Studi di Ferrara (UNIFE)

  • 2012 - Master's Degree in Philosophy - Università degli Studi di Bologna (UNIBO)

  • 2009 - Degree in Philosophy - Università degli Studi di Bologna (UNIBO)

Douglas William Langer


Research topic: The Defense of Transcendental Framework in the Darstellung des Wissenschaftslehre (1801/1802) by J.G Fichte

Tutor: prof. Federico Ferraguto; prof. Matteo Vincenzo d'Alfonso

Abstract: This research concerns Fichte's Science of Knowledge around 1801/1802, with emphasis on his concept of "absolute", and his transcendental interpretation of it. The question that guides this investigation is: How a philosophy like the fichtean, as known, a transcendental philosophy, can grasp a problem like that of "Absolute"? Transcendental philosophy has as its fundamental thesis the inquiry about the limits of the rational beings's knowledge, the conditions of possibility of it. But these limits are not regarded in this notion of absolute, once it is totally speculative, laying in the primordial union of subjective and objective, exceeding all the possible experience. The hypothesis of this research is that Fichte's procedure lies in the rescue of the transcendental method, leading with this problem - that was raised basically by Schelling, the romanticists and Hegel - returning to Kant's work and his interpretation about absolute in Critique of Pure Reason.

Curriculum vitae:

  • since 2020 - Phd student - Pontifícia Universidade Católica do Paraná (PUCPR) and Università degli Studi di Ferrara (UNIFE)

  • 2020 - Master's Degree in Philosophy - Universidade Federal do Paraná

  • 2018 - Degree in Philosophy - Universidade Federal do Paraná

Beatrice Beccari


Research Topic: Schopenhauer's Role in Ludwig Wittgenstein's Philosophy

Tutor: prof. Matteo Vincenzo d'Alfonso, prof. Federico Ferraguto

Abstract: This research project aims to identify and highlight the Schopenhauerian features within Wittgenstein's philosophy. In particular, the aim is to trace the theoretical connections between the two thinkers by extending the research from the best known and recognized influence that Schopenhauer's work had on Tractatus Logico-Philosophicus to the so-called "late" Wittgenstein, all considering the influence that the former had on the transcendental approach of that text. The study will be developed following some thematic guidelines that will bring out not only the similarities, but also the breaking points between the two philosophers. A further intent is in fact to trace an overall picture of the evolution of some philosophical conceptions important for the history of thought that will define on the one hand the impact that Schopenhauer had on the philosophy of the early twentieth Century and on the other the aspects that bring Wittgenstein closer to traditional/continental philosophy.

Curriculum Vitae:

  • Since 11/2019 - PhD Student in Humanities - UniFE, PUCPR

  • 2016-2018 Master's Degree in Philosophy - Joint MA course between UniPR, UniFE, UniMORE

Thesis title: Wittgenstein and Schopenhauer: an updated comparison.

  • 2013-2016 Degree in Philosophical and educational Sciences - UniFE

Thesis title: Schopenhauer and time. Arthur Schopenhauer's position in the contemporary debate on the philosophy of history.

Camila Batista


Research Topic: Antonio Gramsci’s Reception in Ernesto Laclau’s political Philosophy: from Hegemony to Populism

Tutor: prof. Ericson S. Falabretti; prof. Alberto Castelli

Abstract: Our research project aims to demonstrate Antonio Gramsci’s (1891-1937) influence, specifically of the concept of hegemony, in Ernesto Laclau's theory of populism (1935-2014). The hypothesis of this influence seeks to stablish a guiding thread in the works of Ernesto Laclau (1977-2005) with Gramsci as the main reference, particularly from Cadernos do Cárcere III (Quaderni 6). Through investigating the concept of hegemony arising from Gramsci, the theory of populism can be effectively delimited as part of the conceptual construction of Laclau's political-philosophical theory. To this end, the historical development of modern concepts of the “State” and “civil society”, indispensable for understanding Gramscian’s concept of “hegemony”, will be the starting point of the research. In the second moment, dedicated specifically to Gramsci, we will seek the limits of the aforementioned concept to finally be able to present how Laclau's work, from Ideology, Marxism and Politics (1977) to On Populist Reason (2005), was gradually developed under the influence of Gramsci.

Curriculum Vitae:

  • Since 2020 - PhD Student in Humanities - PUCPR/UniFE

  • 2017-2019 – Master’s Degree in Philosophy - PUCPR

Thesis title: Hegemony and socialist Strategy: from democratic Revolution to a radical Democracy in Ernesto Laclau and Chantal Mouffe.

  • 2014-2016 Degree in Philosophy - PUCPR

Monograph title: The Need of Moral's Character for the political Progress in Immanuel Kant.

Carlos Tiago da Silva


Research Topic: Doctrine of the Faculties and Fiction: Genesis and Implications of a problematic in Gilles Deleuze's Philosophy (1953-1968)

Tutor: prof. Eladio Constantino Pablo Craia; prof. Matteo Vincenzo d'Alfonso

Abstract: The main interest of this research project is the peculiar relation between Deleuze and Kant. However, it would be inaccurate to take it as its main objective since it only represents the occasion to address some problems deeply related to the composition of Deleuze’s first major work, Différence et Répétition (1968). Firstly, the study will focus on the presence and development of the problem of the “doctrine of faculties” through the body of work produced between the years of 1953 to 1968 both to explain and clarify the process of incorporation of the theme by Deleuze and to highlight some underlying tensions with the Kantian heritage that Deleuze never really accounts for or fully develops. The second moment of the research will provide an account of the radicalism of Deleuze’s interpretation of the theme articulating it with the problem of style and literary expression required and carried out by Différence et Répétition itself. This objective will be developed through the study of an unnamed, and still operational, complex concept of “fiction” which the process of incorporation and development of the “doctrine of the faculties” should provide the ground and the elements for it to be demonstrated.

Curriculum Vitae:

  • Since 2020 - PhD Student in Humanities - PUCPR/UniFE

  • 2012-2014 Master’s Degree in Philosophy - PUCPR

Thesis title: The Constitution of the problematic of the Concept in the Philosophy of Gilles Deleuze.

  • 2016-2018 Degree in Philosophy - PUCPR

Monograph title: The Doctrine of the Faculties in the Philosophy of Gilles Deleuze.

  • 2005-2009 Degree in Law - PUCPR

Monograph title: Social Normativity from the Perspective of Hobbes.

Thiago Nogueira


Research Topic: Sublation and Forgeting: Negativity and Difference in the Philosophy of History of Hegel and Heidegger.

Tutor: prof. Alexandre Franco de Sá; prof. Matteo Vincenzo d'Alfonso.

Abstract: The main purpose of this research is the relationship between Heidegger and Hegel's philosophy. What we seek to investigate from this relationship is the main thesis of Heidegger's philosophy, that being unveils itself over time. The choice of these two philosophers happens because, for Heidegger, Hegel would be the peak of tradition's metaphysical thinking, configuring a destructive relationship between the two thinkers. In this sense, the hypothesis raised is that when we research what Hegel says about temporality, we clarify some aspects of Heidegger's thought on the subject, more specifically: 1) the temporal function of memory and forgetting in its philosophy; 2) the question of negativity and / or ontological difference in his thinking. All research will delineate on the relationship between these two philosophers more specifically and on Heidegger's interpretation of German idealism in general. Thus, the relationship of Heidegger and Schelling will also be taken into account, in the investigation of these philosophers about A-bism (Ab-grund). From these structural considerations, in a second moment, the research will also compare what the two thinkers elaborated in their philosophies of history. Thus, a comparison of historical dialectics with the history of the unveiling of being will lead us to affirm and demonstrate the fundamental importance of the concept of forgetfulness in Heideggerian philosophy in relation to Western metaphysical tradition.

Curriculum Vitae:

  • Since 2020 - PhD Student in Humanities - PUCPR/UniFE

  • 2017-2019 Master’s Degree in Philosophy - PUCPR

Thesis title: The Humanism as an Empire of Technique over Being: The Relationship between Humanism and Technique in Martin Heidegger.

  • 2012-2016 Degree in Law - PUCPR

Monograph title: For a Post-Metaphysic’s Comprehension of the Human Dignity Principle.