How to apply at UniFe + Joint PhD in a nutshell

To apply for the admission competition, you must use the PICA online platform.

All information is available on the website of the University of Ferrara: How to apply

Joint PhD in a nutshell

The Joint PhD Programme "Transcendental Philosophy and Reflective Society" is part of the PhD in Humanities at the University of Ferrara (see presentation of the XXXVI cycle).

The PhD in Italy lasts three years and represents the highest level of university education. The teaching activity, including a mandatory period of study abroad and is focused on acquiring the skills to carry out highly qualified research activities aiming at the elaboration of a final thesis. Each PhD student in the Joint PhD-Programme will be followed by two Tutors (one from both University Partners, UniFe and PUCPR). 


To be eligible for the position, the applicant must meet both general and specific entry requirements. The general entry requirement is a second-cycle degree – Master’s Degree – or an equivalent foreign academic qualification awarded abroad.


Access to the PhD is by public competition through the passing of a two-stage selective test.

1- Evaluation of qualification: maximum score 50 points. Minimum score required to be admitted to the interview 35/50.

2- Interview: maximum score 30 points (including the foreign language examination) - Minimum final score required: 60/80.

Appointment procedure

Selection, interviews and assessment is made by a recruitment group at the Department. A list of top-ranked applicants is then presented based on the information provided by the applicants (based on merit, quality of submitted works, quality of research proposal, and availability of qualified supervisors). The top-ranked candidates may be invited to interviews (in Ferrara or via video link).

How to apply

In order to apply for the Joint PhD Programme “Transcendental Philosophy and Reflective Society”, you have to register an account in the online recruitment system PICA – all information is available on the website of the University of Ferrara

It is the responsibility of the applicant to ensure that the application is complete in accordance with the instructions in the notice and presentation, and that it is submitted before the deadline – 24/07/2020. 

The selection of candidates is made on the basis of the qualifications registered in the application.

For the application to be considered complete it must include the following mandatory documents:

1) Curriculum Studiorum including complete Academic career information (Bachelor and Master degrees), a list of examinations and grades and final mark for Bachelor and Masters degrees, and post degree experiences. (Up to 12 points)

2) Research project (max. 6.000 characters - bibliography included) written in English or in Italian which must contain an original proposal for a research project, with the following structure: introduction to the scientific international context, relevance of the topic, expected results, argumentation. The proposed research project is not binding with regard to the subsequent topic that will be carried out during the three-year course. (Up to 20 points)

3) Scientific Publications in extensor publication copy OR a file containing the full list of the publications with associated link; abstracts and/or papers presented in congresses and meetings. (Up to 8 points)

4) Statement of Research Interest, a short text – maximum length: 1 page – written in English or in Italian, which must contain the motivations to attend the PhD program and the candidate’s specific research interests. (Up to 2 points)

5) Reference Letters - Min 1 (compulsory) - Max 2, supporting the application, written and signed by teachers, experts, researchers or professionals (that has significative collaborations with the applicant), qualified for the course’s topics. The letter must be prepared following the example form. (Up to 2 points)

In addition, candidates may submit: 

6) Other academic degrees (specialization, master classes, training courses, scholarships, etc.) documented by certifications or self-certification. (Up to 3 points)

7) Other Professional Qualifications, i. e. other documented with certification or self-certification professional experiences linked to the Ph.D. course subjects. (Up to 3 points)

Closing-date: 24/07/2020, h 23:59 CEST/UTC+2

All information can be found HERE


The top-ranked candidates invited to interviews are asked to: 

1) present the research project (scientific and methodological framework of the research and presentation of its originality, argument about the viability of the project and is congruency with the scientific training of the Candidate. (max. 20 points)

2) test the knowledge of any EU language plus mother tongue. Such verification may be substituted by presenting relevant certification (B1, B2, C1 or higher). (max. 10 points)

All information can be found HERE

Examination Timetable

Evaluation of qualifications and interview will take place in September 2020. Evaluation results may be checked by clicking here

The beginning date for consulting the evaluation results and the interview schedule will be available within the present call deadline here.


The amount of the grant from 01/01/2018 for the University of Ferrara is 15,343.28 € gross per year, a gross monthly amount of 1,278.61 €

The scholarship is increased for any period of stay abroad by 50%, up to a maximum of 18 months, except as provided for in the case of special agreements .

The duration of the scholarship is equal to the entire duration of the course. The payment of the scholarship is postponed monthly. Those who have benefited from a scholarship for a PhD course even for only one year cannot ask to use it a second time. The scholarship awarded may be combined with scholarships awarded by domestic or foreign institutions to supplement the scholar's research activities abroad (outside Italy).

Accomodation support will be provided for foreigner participants to the programme.

Enrolment Fees

PhD students enrolled at UniFe with scholarships will have to pay 700 € fee per year. Such fee is composed of:

You may exempted of paying part of the fee according to your ISEE certificate (Indicator of the Equivalent Economic Situation). 

As for the doctorate in "Transcendental Philosophy – Stories and Forms" you will be required to regularize her status also at the PUCPR partner University without any additional costs.

ECTS and Academic Activities

The first year of the doctorate is largely dedicated to study, with the aim of deepening the issues related to the research topic. Students are expected to follow specific didactic courses (real cycles of lessons dedicated to PhD students, or normal university courses together with the students of the degree courses).

First-year students are required to obtain 60 training credits, to be divided between the so-called transversal activities common to all PhD courses (20 credits to be acquired within the first two years) and disciplinary activities (specific activities for each PhD).

Some of the transversal activities offered by the IUSS are: 

ECTS are attained by participating in laboratory activities, seminars, congresses, study stays abroad, specialization courses organized as part of one's own training course and through the writing of publications.

Both for the former and the latter, there is no requirement to pass profit exams (with the exception of language certifications), nor the verbalization of the courses attended. However, the doctoral student is required to register his presence at lectures or seminars.

Annual Report of Activities

The report of the activities followed during the year is made by the PhD student together with his or her Tutor, filling in the annual report of the research carried out. As an arithmetic report of the didactics is not required, the division of credits among the various activities can be considered relatively flexible. At the end of the year, the positive evaluation expressed by the Board of Teachers and the Coordinator on the student's activity corresponds to the automatic acquisition of the 60 credits provided for by the PhD Regulation. PhD students in the second and third year must also acquire 60 credits, choosing between transversal and disciplinary activities in the second year and only disciplinary activities in the third year.

Research Abroad

During the three years of the PhD it is mandatory to spend periods of study or research at foreign universities, institutions or institutes, if deemed useful for the development of your research topic. Study stays abroad must be authorized in advance by the PhD Coordinator or by the student's Tutor; if, on the other hand, the continuous stay is longer than six months, the Board of Teachers must also officially pronounce itself.

The amount of the scholarship is increased for any period of stay abroad by 50%, up to a maximum of 18 months, except as provided for in the case of special agreements.

PhD students enrolled in a PhD course with administrative headquarters at the University of Ferrara can apply for a grant of up to € 3000.00 to carry out a research period abroad for at least one continuous month (the so-called "long mobility"). In addition, the PhD student can participate in the calls for funding of Erasmus programmes.

Thesis and Final Exam

In order to be admitted to the final PhD exam, the procedure foresees a pre-evaluation of the thesis work by 2 external referees. Once you have obtained the authorization to take the final exam you must submit an online application. Following the judgement expressed by the evaluators, the PhD candidate admitted to the final exam must proceed with the preparation of the final exam application on the personal page of the portal.

The Joint Programme will allow the student to obtain the double title of PhD, the Italian and Brazilian one. The thesis will be discussed in a single forum and following a favourable report by the Jury of the partner universities, the candidate will be awarded the title.

International Students

UniFE promotes residency and interaction between both Italian and foreign PhD students and offers some accommodation in convention. International students will be assisted during their entire stay in Italy. 

Among the services offered to support doctoral courses, the University of Ferrara intends to facilitate the participation in the courses of doctoral students with a foreign qualification and/or coming from another Italian University by offering the possibility to house, at reduced costs, at its "Collegio - IUSS 1391". 

Reference Office IUSS Ferrara 1391 University Institute of Higher Studies

The IUSS Ferrara 1391 aims to promote the excellence of studies at the University of Ferrara and has the primary purpose of coordinating and promoting PhD courses at the University of Ferrara. It is an advanced training centre open to young Italians and foreigners with the aim of promoting the quality of post-graduate studies, organising transversal activities aimed at PhD students and hosting cultural initiatives aimed at creating aggregation and moments of in-depth study. In the perspective of internationalization that distinguishes it, IUSS Ferrara 1391 provides all Italian PhD students with the tools for a good knowledge of foreign languages and foreign students with tools for learning Italian.