Course Organization

The International Doctorate in "Transcendental Philosophy and Reflective Society" has a duration of three years (@Unife; 4 years @PUCPR) and includes enrolment in one of its two University Partners: University of Ferrara (Ferrara, ITA) and Pontificia Universidade of Paranà (Curitiba, BRA). It includes a mandatory mobility for study and research of at least six months in a country other than that of the university of first enrolment. Official languages of the doctorate are Italian or Portuguese and English.

The course provides for a total of 180 ECTS (of which at least 60 in international mobility) calculable in relation to the following activities:

1) attendance of Master's Degree and Doctorate courses (including transversal activities) included on the candidate's proposal in an annual training plan approved by the Thesis Supervisor and the Scientific Council;

2) participation with report to sector congresses, scientific initiatives and research groups recognized by the Scientific Council;

3) publication of monographs, articles in scientific peer-reviewed journals apt for evaluation in Brazil and/or Italy (according to: qualis, scimago, CAPES, ANVUR lists, etc.), book chapters, reviews, etc. after evaluation by the Scientific Council; 

4) writing of the Doctoral Thesis.

A minimum of 60 ECTS must be obtained at an institution other than the institution of first enrolment (this can be also the partner institution, but is not necessary) in agreement with the PhD tutor and validated by the Scientific Council.