Special Events

April 24, 2022 - LISSA General Meeting & School Library Media Capstone Practicum Q&A

This meeting was split into two parts: the general meeting and a Q&A with Professor Gruer about the School Library Media Capstone Practicum Experience. Professor Gruer's presentation starts at 10:58 in the below embedded recording, and she shared links to Practicum information, Program Learning Outcomes (PLOs), and an example of a capstone portfolio.

March 30, 2022 - LISSA General Meeting

This meeting was split into two parts: a Q&A with Dr. DePolt about the capstone, and the general meeting. 

We've added resources that Dr. DePolt shared with us about the general track capstone in this section, including the program learning outcomes (PLOs) and description of the e-portfolio assignment. The general meeting recording and notes are saved below this capstone information.

Capstone Q&A

Capstone Practicum Rubric with Notes.pdf
Eportfolio Assignment Description - Gen Track.docx