
Advocating for Libraries

Becoming an advocate for libraries is a essential for funding and investment in libraries. Your voice has power in Raleigh (or your state capital) and in Washington. Taking part in the National Library Legislative Day is one way you can be a voice for libraries and show members of Congress that libraries need funding on every level.

You can start your advocacy by staying up on the issues at ALA's Advocacy News or joining North Carolina Library Association's Legislative and Advocacy Committee. Getting involved at the state or national level is as simple as reaching out to the Legislative Committee members and expressing your interest in advocacy!

Getting Involved

Stop by NC Library Advocacy's Website

You'll find resources for talking about libraries and contacting your representatives, tracking legislation, and reading stories about libraries and other advocates

Follow NC Library Advocacy on social media

Submit your library impact stories to NC Library Advocacy

Follow ALA's Advocacy Team on Twitter: @LibraryPolicy

When using social media, you can share your library impact stories by using the hashtags: 





Just fill in the blanks with your two digit congressional district number. 


ALA's Advocacy, Legislation, and Issues--numerous resources to help you get started as an advocate for libraries.

I Love Libraries – a website dedicated to those with a love of libraries who want to spread the word.

Your Voice Counts - a webpage from that explains the basics steps for getting started with library advocacy.

Library Advocacy Toolkit - includes a list of advocacy resources related to campaigning, marketing, and lobbying for libraries.  

American Libraries Magazine's Advocacy Tag--updates on advocacy issues impacting libraries.

GovTrack – A website specifically created to track members of Congress, their policies, their latest legislation and more. You can even find out who your district representative is. 

Library Unions

Union Library Workers Blog 

The Union Library Workers blog is a project of the Progressive Librarians Guild (PLG), an organization devoted to the open exchange of radical views on library and information issues.

Featured Advocacy Resources

Upcoming Events for Advocacy 

September: September is Library Card Sign-Up Month

October: NCSLMA 2019 Conference

October: NCLA 2019 Conference