CritLib  Meeting Info

"Critlib is short for 'critical librarianship,' a movement of library workers dedicated to bringing social justice principles into our work in libraries." ––

LISSA aims to update our CritLib and Diversity resources monthly to give you a better understanding of the terms, topics, pedagogy, and current events connected to critical librarianship. Check back at the beginning of each month for new resources! 

Email us at 

CritLib meetings are a safe space for honest conversation and are therefore not recorded in order to protect the privacy of participants.

March 2022  #CritLib

Genders and Sexualities Alliance

Join us on Sunday, March 27th at 4pm ET

Link to meeting here 

Genders and Sexualities Alliances are student-led organizations that create safer environments for LGBTQ+ youth and allies. We'll be discussing how librarians can support these clubs.

Here are a few resources you may peruse in preparation:

Email us at with your questions, comments, or suggestions.

February 2022  #CritLib

Book Discussion: Librarians with Spines

Join LISSA on Sunday, February 27th at 4pm ET

Link to meeting here 

We'll be discussing three chapters from Librarians with Spines, digitized courtesy of Jackson Library! 

You can access them in Box through the link below.

Email us at with your questions, comments, or suggestions.

January 2022  #CritLib

Topic: Banned Books

Join LISSA for the first CritLib meeting of the semester on Sunday, January 30th at 4pm ET

Link to meeting here 

We'll be discussing banned books and the larger issues of censorship and intellectual freedom that surround them. Below are a few resources you may wish to peruse to get acquainted with current discussions around this topic. 



Email us at with your questions, comments, or suggestions.

October 2021  #CritLib

Book Discussion

Sunday, October 24th at 4:00 ET 

We will discuss the book The Dark Fantastic: Race and the Imagination from Harry Potter to the Hunger Games by Ebony Elizabeth Thomas. 

You do not need to read the book in its entirety to join in the discussion!

Access the eBook here through UNCG Library:

Additional Resources:

Zoom link: 

Questions, comments, or suggestions? Email us at 

September 2021  #CritLib

Topic: Responding to Street Harassment

Join LISSA for our first CritLib meeting of the semester on Sunday, September 26th at 4:00 ET! 

Link to meeting 

The discussion this month will focus on actions bystanders can safely take when witness to street harassment. 

Participants can prepare for this meeting by attending the free Stand Up Against Street Harassment on Wednesday, September 15th @ 3pm ET (link below), or checking out the other resources below:

Email us at with your questions, comments, or suggestions.

April 2021  #CritLib

Topic: Mental Health Awareness

Join LISSA on Sunday, April 25th at 4:00 EDT! This month we are discussing mental health awareness.

Zoom link to join:

We are asking participants read or scan the following info before the meeting (please log-in to your UNCG account to make sure you can view all resources):

March 2021  #CritLib

Topic: LGBTQ+ issues in LIS and in the Workplace

Join LISSA for our second CritLib meeting of the spring semester on Sunday, March 28th at 4:00 EDT! This month we are discussing LGBTQ+ issues in the LIS and in the workplace. The Zoom link will be sent out the Friday before the meeting.

We are asking participants read or scan the following info before the meeting (please log-in to your UNCG account to make sure you can view all resources):

February 2021  #CritLib Topic: Intersectionality

Join LISSA for our first CritLib meeting of the spring semester on Sunday, February 28th at 4:00 EST! This month we are discussing intersectionality in libraries. The Zoom link will be sent out the Friday before the meeting.

We are asking participants watch the following videos this month:

November 2020  #CritLib Topic: Indigenous Peoples and Decolonization

Join LISSA for our final CritLib meeting of the semester on Sunday, November 22nd at 4:00 EST! This month we are discussing Indigenous peoples and decolonization in libraries. The Zoom link will be sent out this Friday (November 20th).

We are asking participants to read (or skim!) the following article prior to our meeting:

Other helpful resources to review at your leisure:

October 2020  #CritLib Topic: Disability and Accessibility in LIS

Join LISSA for our second CritLib meeting of the semester on Sunday, October 25th at 4:00 EDT! An email & Google Calendar invite with the Zoom link will be sent soon!

Facilitated by Olivia Patterson, Sarah-Esther Belinga, and Dr. LaTesha Velez, CritLib meetings provide a safe, inclusive, student-only space for LIS students to discuss issues in librarianship through a critical lens. 

This month we are examining disability and accessibility in LIS, and will discuss the following resources: (Review of these materials is not required, but is encouraged in order to enrich our conversation)

September 2020         #CritLib  

Topic: What Is Critlib?

Join LISSA for our first CritLib meeting of the semester on Sunday, September 27th at 4:00 pm EDT! We will explore the concept of Critical Librarianship and discuss the following readings: 

Keep an eye out for another email closer to time with the Zoom link. We hope to see you there!

February CritLib Resources

Interrogating the Collective: #Critlib and the Problem of Community

White Fragility

White Fragility Reading Group Guide

Robin DiAngelo Video 

White Fragility in the Workforce- This video is a “humorous” take on how white people often respond when they are called out for their offensive actions. 

UC Merced CritLib LibGuide

January 2020 CritLib Resources

To prepare for the February 2020 CritLib Meeting:

We'll be discussing So You Want to Talk About Race by Ijeoma Oluo


November 16, 2019 CritLib Meeting

We had a great discussion about LBGT Critlib. When is it okay to use the word Queer? Should you use "They" to address your patrons? How can we remove barriers to the LGBTQIA+ community in our libraries? Listen in as we discuss this and more!

Here are the links to a few of the resources mentioned in the meeting:

Thanks so much to our panelists, UNCG's Diversity Librarian Deborah Caldwell and Student Success Librarian Melody Rood!

September 2019 Featured CritLib Resources

2020 Critical Librarianship and Pedagogy Symposium- Though this year's symposium is already "sold out" you can use this link to find out more information about what they have to offer and to join their listserv.

Resources from LISSA's February 2019 Book Club Meeting

Check out what some links related to what our group discussed during our first CritLib Book Club meeting of 2019. 

**Click here to watch the first CritLib meeting on Facebook Live. We were unable to record this meeting on WebEx. 

Here are the resources touched on at our book club's first meeting.

Why Does Privilege Make People So Angry? video

Simmons University Anti-Oppression LibGuide

Teaching Tolerance website

ALA's link to Robin D'Angelo coverage 

ALA Midwinter 2019 Links & Discussions:

During Council Forum at ALA Midwinter, April Hathcock was verbally attacked by a fellow council member. The incident sparked widespread response from the profession:

Article to read in preparation for our second meeting on March 2, 2019: Teaching as a Political Act: Critical Pedagogy in Library Instruction by Melia Erin Fritch

Resources from LISSA's March 2019 Book Club Meeting

Check out some links related to our group discussion during our second CritLib Book Club meeting of 2019. 

**Watch the recording on our YouTube channel below!

Resources from LISSA's April 2019 Book Club Meeting

Check out some links related to our group discussion during our third CritLib Book Club meeting of 2019 where we discussed white fragility. 

**Watch the recording on our YouTube channel below! 

We're asking our book club members to view Robin D'Angelo's book talk on her book White Fragility before our fourth and final meeting of the year.

We also talked about Robin DiAngelo's website as a great place for more resources on white fragility. Specifically, her reading guide for reading White Fragility.

We also discussed a funny video about white fragility from News Broke.