LIS 698 Capstone

If you are interested in mentoring/supervising our students in field experiences, please check out

The Capstone at UNCG LIS

The Capstone is a reflective practice in which you will implement what you learned during your MLIS studies. Rather than restating what you’ve already learned, you will apply what you’ve learned to new situations and analyze where you are (what you know now!) as you finish the degree. This will require that you examine your soft skills (interpersonal relationships, public speaking, organization, ability to make mistakes and move on, etc,) as well as the knowledge you accrued during the program. You will report your Capstone experience and relate it to the departmental PLOs in your Capstone Portfolio.


Acceptance to program

Once you know who your advisor is, talk to them about your career goals and directions to take during your studies.

Early semesters

With your advisor, revisit your course choices and career goals and continue to customize your plan of study and Capstone plans.

Once 18 hours are complete

Declare for Option A or Option B when you complete 18 credit hours toward your degree by meeting with your advisor and filling out the Capstone Declaration form. If you neglect to declare, you will automatically be enrolled in Option A.

One semester before final semester (second to last semester )

If pursuing Option A, select a site and supervisor and make arrangements for your Field Experience. Complete a set of goals by the last day of classes during your penultimate semester.  You will need to turn this in to register for the capstone.  You will not be able to register for the capstone unless you have a site supervisor and a set of goals.

If pursuing Option B, select a project and supervisor, consider taking a research course if you have not already done so (i.e. LIS 685, LIS 661), create your Project Proposal by the last day of classes during your penultimate semester.  You will need to turn this in to register for the capstone.  You will not be able to register for the capstone unless you have a site supervisor and a Project Proposal.

Registering for the Capstone

During advising the semester before you graduate, talk to your advisor; submit the Capstone Registration formYou will be only registered in the Capstone once you complete this step.  You must register for the Capstone before the end of the drop/add period for the semester (usually the first week of classes). You cannot register yourself in the Capstone through Genie.  You will submit your Final Program Plan of Study with advisor signature in the Capstone class; your advisor will tell you more about this.

Final semester

Complete your Capstone Experience and Capstone Portfolio.