
Undergraduate Student Research

I actively involve undergraduate students in my research. Here is the list of students who completed research projects under my (co-)supervision. Stars (*) indicate minority students.

  1. Carmen Acosta-Alonzo*, Bennett College. Project: Optimal vaccination strategies for typhoid fever (2017).

  2. Kenyona Bethea*, Bennett College. Project: Optimal personal protection strategies for MERS (2018).

  3. Andrew Brettin, University of Minnesota. Project: Optimal vaccination strategies for Ebola (2017).

  4. Ayesha Ejaz, UNC Greensboro. Projects: (1) Optimal clean needle usage among injecting drug users to prevent hepatitis C (2018–2019). (2) Optimal vaccination strategies to prevent hepatitis B in China (2018–2019).

  5. David Feagins*, St. Mary's University. Project: Optimal protection strategies against chikungunya virus on Reunion Island (2018).

  6. Alexander Foster, Coastal Carolina University. Project: Optimal protection strategies against chikungunya virus on Reunion Island (2018).

  7. Carolina Herrera*, UNC Greensboro. Project: Optimal condom usage to prevent chlamydia (2018).

  8. Elena Hurlbut, Wake Forest University. Project: Game theoretical models of cancer (2016).

  9. Benjamin Ingram, UNC Greensboro. Project: The effects of sensitivity to group members and individual attractiveness on the evolution of cooperation on evolving multiplayer networks (2019–2020).

  10. Sylvia Klein*, St. Mary's College of Maryland. Project: Optimal protection strategies against chikungunya virus on Reunion Island (2018).

  11. Julia Kobe, Wentworth Institute of Technology. Project: Optimal personal protection strategies for cholera (2016).

  12. Aaleah Lancaster*, Bennett College. Project: Optimal vaccination strategies for typhoid fever (2017).

  13. Shantaga Lemasney*, Bennett College. Project: Optimal personal protection strategies for MERS (2018).

  14. Jonathan Machado*, UNC Greensboro. Project: Optimal vaccination strategies for meningitis (2017).

  15. Alfredo Martinez*, Whitworth University. Project: Optimal vaccination strategies for meningitis (2017).

  16. Ethan Ortega*, Western Carolina University. Project: Game theoretical models of cancer (2016).

  17. Neil Pritchard, UNC Greensboro. Project: Optimal personal protection strategies for cholera (2016).

  18. Rosa Rossi-Goldthorpe, Bowdoin College. Project: Optimal vaccination strategies for Ebola (2017).

  19. Eric Sanchez*, UNC Greensboro. Project: Optimal vaccination strategies for meningitis (2017).

  20. Kristen Scheckelhoff, UNC Greensboro. Projects: (1) Optimal clean needle usage among injecting drug users to prevent hepatitis C (2018–2019). (2) Optimal vaccination strategies to prevent hepatitis B in China (2018–2019).

  21. Ziaqueria Short*, Winston-Salem State University. Project: Optimal personal protection strategies for cholera (2016).

  22. Ciera Tucker*, UNC Greensboro. Project: Optimal condom usage to prevent chlamydia (2018).

  23. Kyle Weishaar, Regis University. Projects: (1) Optimal vaccination strategies for Ebola (2017). (2) The evolution of cooperation in 2-dimensional mobile populations with random and strategic dispersal (2017–2018). (3) The evolution of cooperation in mobile populations on multiplayer star-like networks (2018–2019).

Undergraduate Research Outcomes

  • 5 papers published in peer-reviewed journals

  • 2 papers submitted for publication in peer-reviewed journals

  • 5 papers being prepared for publication in peer-reviewed journals

  • 22 student conference presentations

  • first place award for an oral presentation

Undergraduate Researchers Careers

Many students who completed research projects as undergraduates elect to continue their studies at the graduate level. This list summarizes the career paths for some of my former students to the best of my knowledge:

  • Andrew Brettin is currently a PhD student in atmosphere ocean science and mathematics at NYU

  • Ayesha Ejaz is currently a PhD student in chemistry at the University of Chicago

  • Alexander Foster is currently a PhD student in mathematics at UNC–Chapel Hill

  • Alfredo Martinez is currently a PhD student in applied mathematics at Colorado School of Mines

  • Julia Kobe is currently a PhD student in biostatistics at Boston University

  • Neil Pritchard is currently a PhD student in computational mathematics at UNC Greensboro

  • Rosa Rossi-Goldthorpe is currently a PhD student in computational/mathematical neuroscience at Yale University