
Research Interests

I am a mathematician currently interested in mathematical biology. I have been working on projects in different areas of mathematical biology including evolutionary game theory, game-theoretic models of infectious diseases, and theoretical ecology.

I am an algebraist by training, and my early career research focused on combinatorial properties of discrete groups, most notably the bounded generation property of arithmetic groups.

I like to involve students in my research.

Examples of Research Projects

Evolutionary game theory

Understanding the emergence and persistence of cooperation is a fundamental problem in evolutionary biology. Cooperation is needed for the evolution of higher levels of organization. Genomes, cells, multicellular organisms, and human society are all based on cooperation. Since evolution is based on competition between individuals, it should reward only selfish behavior as cooperators forgo some of their reproductive potential to help others. Yet cooperation abounds in nature and human society, and one of the most remarkable aspects of evolution is its ability to generate and maintain cooperation in a competitive world. I investigate effects of spatial structure and mobility on the evolution of cooperation. I also model interactions in realistic populations via multiplayer games on networks.

Game-theoretic models of infectious diseases

Voluntary vaccination policies present a subtle challenge: if a sufficient proportion of the population is already immune, either naturally or by vaccination, then even the slightest risk associated with vaccination will outweigh the risk from infection. As a result, individual self-interest might preclude complete eradication of a vaccine-preventable disease. I construct and solve game-theoretic models involving individual’s decision regarding the level of personal protection for known infectious diseases. Personal protection could take on many different forms, including vaccination, using repellent to protect oneself from insect bites, drinking clean water to avoid infection, etc.

Habitat selection

The distribution of animals around their environment is one of the cornerstones of ecology. The ideal free distribution (IFD) describes the distribution of animals which are “ideal”, meaning they are assumed to always go to the patch where their intake is highest, and “free” in that they can enter any patch without restriction or cost in terms of time or energy. However, experiments show that there is a bias for overusing poor patches and underusing good patches in many animals. Considerable effort has been devoted to studying potential causes for departures from IFD. I investigate the effects of perceptual constraints on IFD, and spatial distributions of generalists vs. specialists.


In an interdisciplinary field, such as mathematical biology, collaboration across the disciplines is vital. I enjoy working in diverse teams of researchers, and I welcome all opportunities to collaborate on various projects even if they are somewhat outside my areas of expertise. My current strengths include game-theoretic modeling of biological phenomena, network modeling, coding in MATLAB and Python, and running computationally extensive simulations on HPC clusters.

If you are potentially interested in collaborating with me, or if you are a student who would like to work on a research project under my supervision, then please contact me.

My current math-bio collaborators: