
Why should I become a member of the UNC Charlotte Chapter of ASCE?

Becoming an official member of the ASCE student chapter at UNC Charlotte provides students with countless opportunities to connect with businesses/people in the field of civil engineering field, to grow closer to their peers, to discounts on ASCE gear, and to get involved in activities sponsored by ASCE. A few examples of these include, but are not limited to:

Found below is a google form of an application! Please fill out the application entirely along with paying to become a member

Yearly Fee $25  

Semester Fee $20

Please make sure that you have payed either by cash, check or card. Failure to do this will not allow you to become a UNC Charlotte ASCE member.

We have 3 methods of payment 

                                                             1) Checks: Information listed in the Membership application

                                                             2) Cash: Information listed in the Membership application

                                                             3) Card:  Information listed in the Membership application

With any questions please contact