Steel Bridge

Steel Bridge Description 

The Steel Bridge Competition is a three-step process competition, building a steel bridge from scratch. The competition challenges students to design a bridge and then bring them to life through fabrication and construction.  Not a handy person? Don't worry! Steel bridge is more than just that. There are many different aspects to the team, including bridge design, poster board, video/PowerPoint, display,  fundraising, fabrication, and construction. There is a spot for everyone, so come join the team this year to help lead us to a Carolina Symposium first place and a trip to Nationals! 

2023-2024 Team

Andrew Crawford has volunteered to lead our Steel Bridge Team this upcoming year, competing at the Carolinas Symposium at the University of North Carolina at Charlotte! If you are interested in joining the team feel free to reach out to Andrew or anyone from this year's board. Please feel free to reach out to Andrew @


Competed in Charleston, S.C., and finished 2nd place overall!

Received 1st place finishes in: aesthetics, lightness, construction speed, and construction economy.

2019 Regionals

Placed 1st in Regionals 

2019 Nationals 

AISC SSBC 21st place

2018 Regionals

Placed 2nd in Regionals 

2018 Nationals 

AISC SSBC 41st place