
Innovation Description 

This years innovation team was tasked with designing a revolutionary product that can be suitable 50 to 75 years from now. The product's parameters were to include UN Sustainability goals as well as to be used in a "megacity" or an "underwater city". Other parameters were  included providing  a proof of concept and a business plan all while addressing one of the UN Sustainable Goals. The requirements for this competition are purposely board, allowing participants to have creative infrastructure solutions. Creating something unique can be frustrating but having the opportunity to broaden self-knowledge and network nationwide. The final design for this year follows the plan for a residential home in the ocean that creates sustainable energy from the ocean's kinetic energy. 

2023 Regionals 

Finished 1st place in competition in Charleston, S.C.

2023 Nationals

2022 Regionals 

1st Place at Columbia, S.C.

2022 Nationals