Boletín SIUN / Detalle noticia

Schwarzman Scholars, 2025-2026 call (Tsinghua University, Beijing)

2024/05/23 / Boletín SIUN, Vicerrectoría de Investigación, UNAL

Cierre: 12 sep. 2024

Schwarzman Scholars supports up to 200 Scholars annually from the U.S., China, and around the world for a one-year master’s in global affairs at Beijing’s Tsinghua University — ranked first in Asia as an indispensable base for China’s political, business, and technological leadership.

Scholars chosen for this highly selective program will live in Beijing for a year of study and cultural immersion — attending lectures, traveling around the region, and developing a better understanding of China. Admissions opened in the fall of 2015 with outstanding success, immediately making Schwarzman Scholars one of the world’s most selective graduate and fellowship programs.

Every year, a new class is selected to represent the world’s next generation of leaders — high-caliber individuals with open minds and limitless potential who will serve to deepen understanding between China and the rest of the world.

Schwarzman Scholars are selected from an international pool of distinguished candidates. Prospective scholars are expected to demonstrate academic excellence, exceptional results in their field and outstanding leadership qualities.

Their cohort of global leaders reflects the diversity, vibrancy and promise of the world at large. Schwarzman Scholars embrace the opportunity to understand other cultures, perspectives and positions. Candidates who are most qualified to meet the high demands of the program must exhibit excellence in the following areas:

In addition to demonstrating extraordinary leadership skills, the ability to anticipate and act on trends and changes in their context, strong intellectual capacity, and exemplary character, candidates must meet the following criteria:

From June to September 2024 potential scholars are encouraged to register for the upcoming virtual info sessions about this program.

Deadline: Thursday 12 September 2024, 3 p. m. EDT (14:00 hora colombiana)

Further information

La Vicerrectoría de Investigación no tiene más información acerca de esta convocatoria distinta a la publicada en los enlaces de esta nota.

[Boletín SIUN 679, 23/24 de mayo de 2024]