Integrating STEM + KC

STEM education and workforce solutions for regional prosperity

OVERVIEW of the project

A STEM capable workforce is integral to attracting and retaining the talent and fostering the innovation needed for regional prosperity in Kansas City.

Integrating STEM + KC convened a deconstructed conference and networked improvement community of top researchers, practitioners, and professionals to collaboratively design and implement STEM education improvements to prepare a diverse STEM workforce. Different than a virtual "sit and get" conference, Integrating STEM + KC hopes developed a general ecosystem model focused on the unique academic, social, and cultural factors influencing STEM education research in our region. Outcomes contributed to an actionable set of data that is useful for demystifying factors related to postsecondary attrition in the region and identifying feasible educational technology and pedagogies to improve STEM student retention.

Integrating STEM + KC posits that focused professional development on new strategic tools and collaborative action guided by education research contributes to increased traction for regional prosperity STEM degree completion metrics.

Effort 1

To support STEM education researchers as they collaborated on a regional STEM ecosystem in order to identify critical challenges, opportunities, and actionable solutions to educate and graduate a diverse STEM workforce.

Effort 2

To engage best practices on the frontiers of collective impact, institutional transformation, and data-informed collaboration.

Effort 3

To apply new knowledge and innovations to projects that address both institutional and societal needs.

Effort 4

To provide a venue for participants to showcase their educational research and engage in collaborative problem solving.


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