Call for Papers

Cybersickness remains one of the most significant challenges facing the virtual reality industry.  Although immersive technologies have been advancing rapidly, their rate of public adoption has been slowed by the fact that many users experience physical discomfort during or after the use of VR devices, with symptomatic characteristics similar to motion sickness. Furthermore, studies have consistently shown that motion sickness disproportionately affects women, and concerns have been raised about the existence of inequitable barriers for engaging with immersive media.

The Workshop on Immersive Sickness Prevention is intended to foster discussion between researchers, developers, and practitioners interested in addressing one of the most significant usability issues in the virtual reality field. We are soliciting primary research papers (4-8 pages) describing study results, novel interaction techniques, or technological interventions aimed toward understanding and mitigating cybersickness for users of immersive systems. We also welcome position papers (up to 4 pages) describing early-stage concepts, preliminary results, or case studies from industry. 

Topics of Interest

Important Dates

Submission Information

Paper submissions must be anonymized and prepared using the VGTC conference paper template.  Note that page limits do not include references, which may appear on an additional page.  Submissions must be made via PCS.  All papers will be reviewed by at least two expert reviewers.  

Authors of accepted papers will be expected to attend the workshop and present their work in person.  At least one author per paper must register for the IEEE VR conference in a category that includes workshop attendance.  The workshop proceedings will be submitted for inclusion in the IEEE Digital Library.