Grant applications submitted at least fourteen (14) days before the next session (meeting) of Congress shall be voted on in that session. Grant applications submitted after the fourteen (14) day deadline may be considered at the discretion of the Secretary of Grants. Professional Development Grants may be submitted seven (7) days prior. The event must also occur after the nearest upcoming session of Congress, unless otherwise specified in §6.10(D).

Please note that any application submitted within three days of the Congress date will not be considered for that respective meeting, but will be considered for the following meeting. Retroactive applications will be considered on a case by case basis, and will need to align to the PSG Code.

Dates of Next Congress Sessions: 


To submit and application, please fill out the corresponding form linked below: 

There are four types of Grants that PSG is able to process. All grants must follow the Universal Policies, oulined here: Policies. They are the following: 

Academic Grants offer funds for events, programs, and services that contribute to the overall academic development of professional students.

Professional Development Grants help support on- and off-campus development opportunities for individual professional students.

Social Events Grants fund events that will enhance personal development of professional students and the professional student experience.

Inter-council Grants provide additional funding for Councils to host joint events for the development or enjoyment of professional students.

Please select the appropriate council from the drop-down menu above or click the appropiate selction for more information.