Tanzabilities Study

Tanzania has among the most significant adverse reproductive health statistics of any country and high rates of persons with disabilities who are invisible in reproductive healthcare, yet health professionals receive no training in how to address reproductive health concerns in persons with disabilities. This study will conduct the formative research needed to develop a rigorous reproductive health curriculum for healthcare providers treating Tanzanian people with disabilities. We will test the  intervention (curriculum)  on health workers' skills to effectively address reproductive health concerns for people with disabilities. 

Contact the Tanzabilities Study

Email:  kpmark@umn.edu

Address:  1300 S. 2nd St., Suite 180, Minneapolis, MN 55455, USA

The Tanzabilities Study is:

Aim 1

Assessing reproductive health needs of the Tanzanian disability community and the learning needs of healthcare workers/students

Aim 2

Developing a curriculum tailored to the African context that addresses the needs of people with disabilities

Aim 3

Scientifically evaluating the effectiveness of the developed curriculum

Research Team

University of Minnesota, Minneapolis, MN, USA

Principal Investigator:

Institute of Sexual and Gender Health, Department of Family Medicine and Community Health, Medical School
Kristen Mark, PhD, MPH


Division of Epidemiology & Community Health, School of Public Health

Institute of Sexual and Gender Health, Department of Family Medicine and Community Health, Medical School
Michael W. Ross, MD, PhD, MPH, MHPEd, MSt
Jennifer Connor, PhD, LMFT

Investigator Partners 

Principal Investigator:

Dickson Mkoka, PhD 


Stella Mushy, PhD, MN, MWH, BScN

Gift Gadiel, BScN, MSc, PHEC 

Lucy Mgopa, MD

Research colleagues at the Muhimbili University of Health and Allied Sciences 

Agnes Massae, PhD, MN, MWH, BScN

Dorkas Mwakawanga, MN, MWH, BScN

Victor Chikwala, 

Ally Abdul Ndende,

Emmanuel SUmari,

Johns Hopkins University
Maria Trent, MD


Indiana University
Devon Hensel, PhD

Malmö University
Charlotta Löfgren, PhD

Staff in the Division of Epidemiology and Community Health, School of Public Health, University of Minnesota

Program Director: Gudrun Kilian, BA

Graduate Research Assistants 

Marguerite Puchner-Hardman (LinkedIn

Rashid Mfinanga (LinkedIn

Advisory Board and Participating Organizations

Advisory board

The advisory board is composed of eight experts and community members engaged in the disability space in Tanzania. They represent various organizations and a wide range of disabilities, advocating for the health and social well-being of Tanzania’s disability community.

This study is conducted jointly by University of Minnesota and Muhimbili University of Health and Allied Sciences

NIH Grant Number:  R01HD110999

UMN IRB: STUDY00019968

MUHAS IRB: DA.282/298/01.C/1946


Some images on this website courtesy of Disabled And Here.