Interested in Volunteering
in the SASS lab?

General Information
The SASS lab at the University of Minnesota generally has several openings every semester for new undergraduate students to join the lab. Research assistants participate in all aspects of the lab, including running experiments, helping score the various tests we give, and recruiting new research participants by letter and phone. We encourage undergraduates to be actively involved in the intellectual life of the lab, and to that end we have a weekly lab meeting during fall and spring semesters in which we review data, plan experiments, and discuss how our work relates to our lives outside of the lab and outside of school. We maintain these connections in person when we can, and online when we can't.We ask people to make a two-semester commitment. The per-semester commitment is a minimum of three hours per week. We take applications at any time, but we find it easiest for new people to join the lab at the beginning of a semester, or the beginning of the summer.
Volunteer FAQ
Can I work for pay?The position is unpaid. Students work for us for credit (1 credits of SLHS 3994 , which translates to 3 hours of work a week, or 2 credits, which translates to 6 hours per week). If salaried positions are available, preference will be given to students who have more seniority and demonstrated success working in the lab.Can I use lab work as an honors experience?Yes, though this will require advanced planning with Mx. Munson to ensure that it meets the Honors Program's requirements.How do I apply to work in the lab?To apply, please fill out the Google form linked to this page. As you will see, it asks for a rough resume highlighting any experience you have had with kids, research, computers, phones, AV equipment, and anything else you think would make you a competitive applicant for working in the lab. It is a good idea to read about our current research and check out our recent publications before applying to see if our lab would be a good fit for your research interests.