Statement of Work

The Statement of Work section outlines the tasks or activities required to develop and deliver the project. The Statement of Work should be the logical progression of task’s that will lead your target audience to achieve the project’s proposed results.

Enter the tasks required to implement your project. To add a new task, select Add New Item.

What Project Team Does

Describe the steps that your project team and partners will take in designing and delivering the proposed project. This might include activities that involve the development of program curriculum, promoting the program, conducting of workshops, or administering follow up evaluations.

RMA’s Role

RMA must be substantially involved in the project. Describe what RMA’s role will be for relevant tasks. RMA involvement may include assembling, reviewing, and approving educational materials or the promotional plan, collaborating with the delivery of education, or conducting program evaluations.

Who is Responsible

Describe which team members, organizations, or partners are responsible for each project task.

Estimated Number

For tasks that involve participants enter the number of producers you anticipate will complete the task.

Date Completed

Enter the anticipated date by which each task will be completed.