Lab Openings

Join the Hongbo Pang Lab

Postdoctoral Position in Pang Lab

We always welcome inquiries in regard to postdoc opportunities in Pang lab from candidates with diverse backgrounds. We are especially interested in those trained in the fields of immunology, cancer biology, molecular and cell biology, neurosciences, to synergize with our strength in targeting peptides, targeted drug delivery, imaging and nanotechnology. The candidate should also have outstanding interpersonal, organizational, communication and writing skills. To apply, please send your CV, cover letter and 2-3 contacts for references to

Graduate Student Position in Pang Lab

Pang lab at the Department of Pharmaceutics, University of Minnesota, is a young and vibrant group interested in biomedical technology development. A wide variety of projects are available for perspective graduate students in the fields of targeted drug delivery, cell biology, intracellular and transcellular transport, and novel diagnosis and therapy development. We are currently seeking for young and energetic explorers to join in our force of unveiling the secrets and conquering the diseases. To apply, please refer to the department webpage for more details.