2022 Workshops & Labs


Communicating science: Why it matters

In the first of our Research Day workshop series, we discussed why it’s important to communicate science, the scientist’s role in society, the general societal and sociopolitical context in which science communication happens, and some thoughts on how to approach science communication efforts generally. We'll also learn some great tips for data visualization. 

Identifying audiences and pitching your science

Now that we've covered science communication generally, it's time to learn how to identify your intended audience, how to reach them, and how to sell your expertise in five minutes or less. 

Best practices for infographics and video abstracts

From tips on text to what constitutes clutter —  and much more — learn good visual communication techniques to communicate your science via infographics and video abstracts. 

Tools for creating infographics and video abstracts

We've talked best practices. Now, we'll walk you through some slick tools you can use to make your infographics and video abstracts stand out — and tell your story. 

Virtual drop-in labs

The Office of the Associate Dean for Research will be holding a series of optional drop-in working labs for Research Day applicants to attend as needed. The schedule is as follows:


Slides: Communicating science: Why it matters

Communicating science: Why it matters

Recorded webinar: Communicating science: Why it matters 

Communicating science.mp4

Slides: Identifying audiences and pitching your science

ID'ing audiences and pitching your science

Recorded webinar: Identifying audiences and pitching your science


Slides: Best practices infographics and video abstracts

Best practices infographics and video abstracts 2.22.22

Recorded webinar: Best practices infographics and video abstracts

Infographics presentation 2.22.2222_edited.mp4

Slides: Tools for creating infographics and video abstracts

Tools for creating infographics and video abstracts 2.23.22

Recorded webinar: 

Due to technical issues, we weren't able to record this workshop. However, here are a list of videos that do a great job of demonstrating how to use Venngage, our infographic software we've made available for Research Day:

To request access to Venngage, click here.