Training and Support


Treks is an ongoing professional development opportunity for CEHD instructors hosted by the Digital Education and Innovation team. It features offerings related to teaching, learning, and technology designed to support instructors’ pedagogical goals. Current offerings include Treks monthly, Preparing for Fall, and Preparing for Spring. 

Resources for Teaching (This Website)

Digital Education and Innovation’s Resources for Teaching. Check out the main page of this website for more teaching and learning resources. 

Drop-in Help Sessions

Have questions about your courses, teaching strategies, or technology? We are here to help with drop-in Zoom sessions every weekday (except holidays).  

We use the same Zoom link for all of our help sessions. Please subscribe to our Google Calendar using your UMN email address to keep up to date on all of our help sessions. The schedule is: 

Where to go when you need help

When you need training and support start with those available from CEHD.

Contact CEHD Digital Education and Innovation at