Other Key Academic Technology Tools

Media Production

Media can be a powerful teaching tool for gaining attention, engaging learners, and clarifying complex ideas and concepts. Creating high-quality educational media takes planning. It is important to set aside enough time to create media that your students can effectively use. In our Media Tools for Teaching and Learning guide, we discuss practical media design recommendations and provide an overview of University-supported tools available to instructors and students. The primary tools for media production at the U of M are ScreenPal and Kaltura.

ScreenPal (Screen Recording and Video Editing Software, Formerly Known as Screencast-o-matic)

ScreenPal is desktop software licensed by the U of M. Instructors and students can use ScreenPal to create video from a webcam or screen recording. It is also a powerful video editing tool. 


Kaltura is the University’s media management tool for teaching and learning. You can upload videos or audio files and share the direct link. Katura can be accessed from its own website (MediaSpace.umn.edu) or through Canvas. It has a great system for adding and editing captions. Kaltura videos can be easily added to your Canvas courses. We recommend using Kaltura to share all instructor- and student-created media.


Zoom is a video communications tool that allows instructors and students to connect with video, audio, text chat, and shared screens. Zoom meetings can be recorded and the recordings can be uploaded to Kaltura and then shared with students via Canvas. Zoom can be used to bring guest speakers into the classroom or to hold class meetings online. Zoom is the U of M’s licensed video conferencing solution. Access Zoom via the desktop application for best results. 

Where to go when you need help

Contact CEHD Digital Education and Innovation at deiteam@umn.edu