Canvas (Learning Management System)

Canvas Basics

The Digital Education and Innovation team has created a video series that provides an introduction to the basic features of Canvas, the approved learning management system at the U of M. The Google Doc, Canvas Basics Video Series, contains links to each video episode and includes supplemental information about the Canvas features described. Topics include, Canvas profiles, notifications, using the CEHD template, copying a previous course, building activities, adding course content, and the gradebook.  

The Getting Started page of this website includes a section on Building a Canvas Site. By following these 8 steps, you can learn all you need to know to construct your first Canvas site. 

Canvas Gradebook

We recommend using the Canvas gradebook. Using the gradebook in Canvas can increase access and inclusion (U of M digital teaching newsletter, January 2023). This tool can be simple or sophisticated. Learn how to set it up in a manner that is right for your course using our Guide to the Canvas Gradebook.

Where to go when you need help

Contact CEHD Digital Education and Innovation at