Resume Components

Choose your section headings carefully because they stand out during the initial resume review. Consider the tips below as you consider how to organize your resume.

Your nursing resume must include:

  • CONTACT INFORMATION: Include a phone number and email address that you can be reached at consistently. Additionally, OSCAS recommends an email username that is simple and clear. For example, Nurse Jackie (see adjacent resume) would want to think "nursejackie" as opposed to "nurseZZjackieZZthebestZZ."

  • EDUCATION: List degrees completed or in progress. This section should include degrees, names of institutions, graduation date, and honors. You may also want to include high GPAs (3.5 or better). Do not include where you went to high school or institutions from which you did not receive a degree.

  • NURSING PRACTICUM/CLINICAL EXPERIENCE: List all of the practicum/clinical rotations you have completed, including your immersion. OSCAS recommends including the number of hours completed at each experience and adding bullets to for your immersion.

Nursing Resume Example

Resume Formatting 10.2019

Additional sections you might add:

  • PROFESSIONAL/WORK EXPERIENCE: Highlight current and past paid experiences. Include employment dates, awards, and any other accomplishments that will show quality work. If you have many previous jobs, and need to list only some of them, ask yourself, "which of these would I talk about in an interview?" Additionally, experience in nursing-related or helping fields should be given extra consideration. Although it is helpful to have experience in healthcare, it is important to not cut out those experiences that may not be nursing related. When crafting these experiences, it might be helpful to think about what skill sets you learned in that position that has prepared you for a career in nursing. The next page will help you craft strong, detailed statements for your resume.

  • VOLUNTEER EXPERIENCE: List any volunteer or community service experience. This section supports your professional/work experience and should be listed in the same format. Provide 2-3 bullets for each experience to illustrate the most important aspects of the position.

  • LEADERSHIP AND INVOLVEMENT: Include any participation in organizations both as a student as and as a community member. Nurses who have leadership experience in addition to quality academic and nursing performance are especially appealing to employers. Involvement outside of the classroom further demonstrates an ability to work collaboratively with a team.

  • CERTIFICATIONS: List relevant up to date licenses and certifications you have earned.

  • PROFESSIONAL ASSOCIATIONS: List any professional organizations you are involved with. Joining a professional association provides access to resources, networking, and professional development. This demonstrates to an employer that you are committed to staying current in the field and developing your skill sets.

  • RESEARCH EXPERIENCE: Include any research, publications, or presentations in the appropriate citation style (likely APA).

Our example resumes show these resume components in action.