Bosnia & Herzegovina

The Post-Conflict Research Center, Sarajevo

PCRC is dedicated to restoring a culture of peace and preventing violent conflict in the Western Balkans by creating, implementing and supporting unconventional and innovative approaches to peace education, post- conflict research, human rights, and transitional justice. They strive for a society where people no longer perceive diversity as a source of conflict, but as the basis for prosperity.

Intern Position Title: Research Intern

Number of Positions: 2-3

Intern Position Description:
PCRC provides internship opportunities to local, regional, and international youth in an effort to educate them about Bosnia’s conflict history and post conflict present. In addition, working at PCRC allows interns the chance to directly participate in BiH’s peacebuilding process. Our program involves a wide range of activities and site visits designed to broaden interns’ knowledge in a variety of areas, including transitional justice, human rights, and reconciliation. This is important because PCRC wants its interns to be able to share and disseminate the information they have learned in their own communities as well as utilize and apply their newly acquired skills towards their career goals.

Main internship activities include:

Desired Skills, Interests, & Qualities:

Are any languages besides English required?    No ☒    Yes ☐

If other languages would be helpful, which language(s) and at what level? Local (Bosnian, Serbian, Croatian) at B1 is preferred, but not required.

Internship Dates: The Summer internship term for 2024 will be Monday, May 6th to Wednesday, July 31st. We are flexible with the start date if accommodations are needed.

Hours per Week: No more than 30 hours a week.

Pay or Other Compensation: Unpaid. Transportation costs are covered for coordinated field visits outside of Sarajevo, as well as food and lodging when applicable (i.e. Srebrenica Youth School).

Funding: PCRC can support student applications for scholarships/funding as needed.