
ePortfolios provide a valuable tool for learning and reflection on your learning. You can also use your ePortfolio for your career search, as an online showcase for your best work.

(Just be sure to manage the privacy settings on your software. Prospective employers should see only some of your portfolio content.)

Email me or email SSW Career Services to learn more and to schedule a consultation.

Introduction to ePortfolios 

Getting Started

This article provides a great overview, discussing reasons for creating an online portfolio and what content you might include. 


Many  students create ePortfolios using Portfolium.

This web tutorial will help you get started. (U-M login required.) I can help you as well.

Other website tools for ePortfolios

New Google Sites

You can use New Google Sites for free. The tool is easy to use, and I can help you get started.

The  U-M Library has created a great resource for student portfolios using New Google Sites.

(This SSW Writing Help website was created in New Google Sites. It's easy, and not fancy.)

Other Tools

WordPress and other website tools like Weebly and Wix can also work well for creating your own ePortfolio. Some tools offer free versions; others require payment. More complex tools will offer more options for website design, and may take longer to learn.

Professional Headshots and Other Graphics


In the era of social distancing, you may need a DIY headshot.


Don't use a selfie. Because the camera is so close to your face, selfies will distort your face, enlarging your forehead, nose, or chin (depending on where you hold the camera.)


Have someone else take your photo, if possible, or use a timer and a tripod. Your smartphone camera probably includes a timer. You can improvise a tripod with binder clips or other common objects.

Take a lot of photos. See what looks good, then take a second batch of photos. Repeat as needed until you have a photo that is good enough.

These links offer some tips on lighting, composition, and other elements of a professional looking photo:

Other Graphics

Your ePortfolio can include photos and videos. Each website tool will provide information on technical requirements. Be sure to keep in mind both confidentiality and accessibility.


This site, created by U-M's Tom Bray and Ryan Wilcox,  will help you look and sound more professional on Zoom.