my Learning Journey

This Learning Journey template was developed for use with EDU 665, as taught by Simone Taylor. The original "Classic" template was developed and managed by Carrie Luke. Students in Fall 2017 were given a 15 minute orientation to New Google Sites and this URL. They were expected to recreate the structure of the site on their own and use the prompts and tips on these pages and a Getting Started Cheat Sheet to guide them.

Before beginning their portfolio, students participated in a deep-dive Generative Listening activity in order to help each other "make tacit knowledge explicit. The goal of generative listening is to allow your storyteller to achieve an a-ha about how what is natural can be named and understood as a capacity, value, or skill, and how that knowing may shape the future."

Each piece of work/artifact in a portfolio should aim to tell a unique story of "What is so, so what, and what's next?"


Your welcome page sets the tone for the rest of your portfolio. Many students find it most effective to create this page after they have created other pages in order to set the tone for the portfolio and encourage viewers to read more. Think about themes that have emerged in your other portfolio pages and highlight those themes here in a creative way. Some elements students have used in the past are:

  • Overview: a brief description of who you are and highlights of particular features of the portfolio.
  • Quotes: quotes from others or from your own work that illustrate who you are. If you decide to incorporate quotes into your portfolio, consider using personalized and contextual quotes that add value. Avoid generic or over-generalized quotes that could easily be used by others.
  • Images: images that represent you or themes in your portfolio.
  • Creative Work: poetry, artwork, and other creative works that demonstrate aspects of yourself through visual and creative elements that may not be expressed elsewhere.
  • Anecdote: information that captures the essence of who you are that may not fit anywhere else in your portfolio.

It is unlikely that a viewer is going to scroll on this page, so try to limit your content to one screen in length.