
Student Affairs Philosophy Statement

This philosophy statement captures your notions of the essence of student affairs work and how it aligns with what you bring to the profession.

A philosophy statement concisely expresses your interests and underlying values and demonstrates their influence on your future goals. A good statement is specific to your unique life experience rather than generic or clichéd. This is an opportunity to demonstrate the insights you have gained from multiple learning experiences to show that your goals are directed, not arbitrary.

Writing a philosophy statement can be a daunting yet highly energizing task. Think of this statement as answering two questions: "How do I see myself as a student affairs professional, and where do I see myself going?"

Toward the end of the semester you will revisit, revise, and refine your student affairs philosophy statement, (approximately 2-3 pages, double spaced) drawing from class readings, functional area interactions, and other sources that have further informed your perspective.


  • How has your view about student affairs changed? Why?
  • What are the implications of your philosophical position for your role as a practitioner in student affairs?

This revision should reflect a more informed view based on your learning this semester, including at least four references that have influenced your evolving philosophy. Include in your revised statement the ways in which you will keep this statement dynamic as part of your ongoing professional development. A version of this revised statement will go into your Portfolio.

Full guidelines for the philosophy statement can be found here.