
Meta-Reflection 3 : Synthesis of Readings

The goal is to identify important themes or insights from the course readings and think about how they expanded or informed your thinking and will influence your work in Student Affairs. Utilize the following major headings as your framework (the bullets beneath provide prompts for your own thinking):

Description Section

  • What are the key readings or concepts and why did you choose them?
  • What do you think is the most important ‘take-away’ from them?
  • What was the most engaging about them?
  • What were the major tasks you are/were engaged with?

Importance of Work

  • How would you describe the importance of these concepts to higher education and Student Affairs?
  • What was the particular need, gap or challenge that was addressed through the readings or concepts?
  • Why do you think the need, gap or challenge existed in the first place?
  • How or why is the concept or reading relevant to larger “big picture” goals—either in relation to your own learning, or in relation to the goals of learners, higher education or student affairs practitioner.

Tasks Accomplished/Skills Gained

  • Was there a particular reading or portion of a reading that challenged your prior understanding of a topic, concept, or theory? Describe what was challenged and how you negotiated between your prior understanding and what was presented in the reading.
  • How would you describe the ‘take way’ from the readings/concepts you chose in terms of your own thinking or practice?
  • What specific types of knowledge and/or skills have you either enhanced or gained through the readings?
  • How have you incorporated your new knowledge or skills into your everyday practices?

Lessons Learned

  • Did you have larger insights or skills from this experience that you can see yourself carrying forward into other areas of your life? If this has already happened, then please describe what it is.
  • How have the readings you have selected influenced how you perceive or would approach student affairs work?
Full guidelines for meta-reflection-3 can be found here.