Meet With Me

How to Get Writing Help

My role at U-M SSW is to teach writing and revision. I am not an editing service, but can help you to become your own good editor. I provide writing assistance through individual meetings. Currently, I can meet with you either in person, with social distancing (M-W) or via Zoom (M-F). On Zoom, we will both view your document on screen.

Here's some info on what to expect during your appointment and how you might prepare.

How to Schedule an Appointment

Email me at . Briefly describe the task (ex, reflection paper for SW 590) and suggest several days and times that could work for you. You can also call 734-647-6081, though email works best.

We will agree on a time to meet, either in person or via Zoom.

Scheduling Policies:

Services Provided

I can meet with you about almost any SSW-related writing or communication task, including:

Documents I cannot look at include:

For coursework, I can only give feedback during meetings, not over email. Here's why:

If you are unsure whether I may help you with your task, please ask.

Before Your Appointment

Contact me to schedule: email, or phone (734) 647-6081 and leave a voicemail message.

Email me a copy of your current draft (or partial draft) and a copy of the assignment instructions.

Know what you want to accomplish during the appointment.

During Your Appointment

We will work together to address your questions and concerns about the writing.

We can discuss your paper at whatever stage of the writing process is most helpful for you. For example, we could discuss:

We will consider big-picture issues first, like thesis, evidence, or organization. Sentence-level concerns come later, after content and structure are clear. That said, I can also explain points of grammar, or help you with public speaking.

But I cannot edit your paper for you.

Strong writing skills will benefit you in your MSW classes and throughout your entire career. Don't leave SSW without them.