Math 555 Fall 2020

Class Schedule: Tuesday-Thursday, 1:00-2:30 PM

Textbook: Complex Analysis with Applications, by R. A. Silverman, Dover Publications, Mineola, New York, 1984.

Office Hours:

Tuesday 10:00 AM - 11:00 AM (Priority Math 289)

Tuesday 11:00 AM - 12:00 PM (Priority Math 555)

Saturday 3:00 PM - 4:00 PM (Open)

Course Style: This course will be a synchronous remote course. You will be expected to attend class at the scheduled time. Lectures/office hours will be recorded for later access and lecture notes will be posted on the course Canvas page.

Course Topics: We will cover Chapters 1-12 of the course textbook. Other topics outside of the textbook may be added throughout the course lectures.

Homework Policy: Homework will be due every Thursday at midnight on Canvas.

Each homework assignment will be graded out of 20 points. Four questions will be evaluated closely (4 points each) and the remaining 4 points are given for meaningful completion of the remaining problems.

Lowest score will be dropped.

Exam Policy: The midterm and final will both be take home exams.

The Midterm will be due October 29 before class. It will be assigned October 24th at 4pm.

The Final will be given December 8 at 3pm and due December 17 at 3pm.

Grading Policy: 40% Homework, 25% Midterm, 35% Final

Grades will be posted on the course Canvas website.

Announcement: Election day is Tuesday, November 3. To accommodate voting, class with be asynchronous and optional on election day and no assignments will be due that week. For more information on how to participate on election day, please visit

The University of Michigan Library has also set up an information website:

Testing Policy: If you think you need an accommodation for a disability, please let me know as soon as possible. In particular, a Verified Individualized Services and Accommodations (VISA) form must be provided to me at least two weeks prior to the need for a test/quiz accommodation. The Services for Students with Disabilities (SSD) Office (G664 Haven Hall; issues VISA forms.


Homework 1: Due Thursday 09/10 and Tuesday 09/15

Sign up by posting your name under one of the problem discussions on Canvas. All problems are referring to Chapter 1. If there are already 2 people signed up for that problem, choose a different problem.

By Thursday on 09/10, please post a neatly written and scanned solution of that problem to that Canvas discussion.

By Tuesday 09/15, please comment on and check for correctness a solution posted to a problem that is not yours. If there are already 2 people checking that problem, please check a different problem.

Homework 2: Due Thursday 09/17

Chapter 2: #4(b), #6, #8, #11

Chapter 3: #2, #3, #4, #5

Homework 3: Due Thursday 09/24

Chapter 3: #12, #13, #14

Chapter 4: #1, #2, #6, #7, #8

Homework 4: Due Thursday 10/01

Chapter 4: #5, #10, #11(c), #16, #22

Homework 5: Due Thursday 10/08

Chapter 5: #2, #5, #10, #9, #11, #12, #13

Homework 6: Due Thursday 10/22

Chapter 5: #15, #16, #18, #21, #26, #27, #28

Homework 7: Due Thursday 11/12

Chapter 6: #3, #9(c), #12, #17

Chapter 7: #3, #4 (d,e), #11, #12

Homework 8: Due Thursday 11/19

Chapter 7: #7

Chapter 8: #2, #3, #10

Chapter 9: #1, #2, #5, #6, #13

Homework 9: Due Saturday 12/05

Chapter 10: #1, #3, #8, #18, #21

Chapter 11: #2, #4 (b,e), #9, #21 (c,d,f)

Lecture Notes.pdf
Math 555 Midterm Exam Fall 2020.pdf
Math 555 Final Exam Fall 2020.pdf