
 Fall 2017 Events

October 25 (Wednesday), 5pm: Dr. Christopher Sheklian (Manoogian Post-doctoral Fellow, Anthropology, UM) "Glory, Dominion, and Honor: Armenian Concepts of Authority and Political Theology"

November 8 (Wednesday), 5pm: Dzovinar Derderian  (Doctoral Candidate, Near Eastern Studies, UM) "Journeys to the Archives: The Logics and Affect of Ottoman and Armenian Archives"

December 7 (Thursday), 5pm: David Kazanjian (Professor of English and Comparative Literature, University of Pennsylvania) Diasporic Flânerie: From Armenian Ruinenlust to Armenia’s Walkscapes.” 

Winter 2018 Events 

                        January 31 (Wednesday), 2018, 5:30 pm: Hakem al-Rustom (Assistant Professor of History and Anthropology, UM) "The 'Orient' Within? Armenians and Kemalist Orientalism." 

February 7 (Wednesday), 2018 5:30 pm: Dr. Maral Aktokmakyan Erdogan (Manoogian Post-doctoral Fellow, Comparative Literature, UM)      "Matteos Mamurian's English Letters or Belated Letters of Armenian Modernity”

April 4 (Wednesday), 2018, 5:30 pm: Jeremy Johnson (Doctoral Candidate, Anthropology and History) "Mapping Revolutionary Agnotology: Topologies and Topographies of Illiteracy in the Early Soviet South Caucasus (Armenia, Georgia, and Azerbaijan)."


               All events will take place in the Thayer Building.