Information for Instructors: Homework sets

Homework Sets

We recognize that a major reason for instructor reliance on publisher provided textbooks is the accompanying homework and practice problems that come from the publisher. If an instructor is to choose a statistics OER, the burden of creating homework sets and practice work falls to the (probably already overworked) instructor. To ease this burden and help the progress of OER so that all students can afford and access statistical education, we have created this OER introduction to statistics textbook WITH accompanying homework sets. 

We have created homework questions in for instructors who would like to use them in their class. These homework sets contain over 1,200 questions and have a homework set for each book chapter. Currently, these homework sets are created and shared in Canvas as that is the platform most Colleges and Universities use in their courses. 

They can be found in the Canvas Commons (link here) as well as in  a Canvas cartridge that you can access in this Google Drive here. The Canvas module offers an introduction to and help using these homework sets.

.Like all OER's, this one is always a work in progress and we hope to add more chapters and homework sets in the future!