Mediación y manipulación. Fake news, posverdad y hechos alternativos: La construcción de otra realidad como praxis de discurso público

(Juan Miguel Aguado)


As Bateson delved into certain personal communication dynamics, which he named pathological communications, in this chapter we place those communicative phenomena that produce social, political and institutional dysfunctions under the idea of digital communication pathologies. In order to understand these new communication pathologies, we first have to account for the epistemic function of media content in the context of our hyperconnected society, as well as how the dynamics of public discourse are affected by that transformation. Public discourse is progressively drifting from a rational foundation towards a basis of shared emotions, both in positive terms (emotional complicity) and in its negative implications (polarisation). We accordingly deal with the idea of postruth not only in the sense of emotional truth, but also as an emotional disposition of facts, as a felt truth and thus, as a sort of postfactualism. Under these assumptions, we identify the logics and types of digital communication pathologies, according to two converging dynamics in the ubiquitous Internet environment: on one side, the emotionalisation of public discourse, and on the other side, the non-neutrality of communication channels, since they tend through their algorithms to foster engagement in order to maximise the monetisation of user activities.