
(Journal Anales de Filología Francesa)



Articles proposed for publication should analyse new empirical data or methodological aspects, revise or develop new, unpublished theories, or focus on the implementation of new research/action-research methods. Publication requires acceptance by the journal's scientific committee.


Articles must be written in either Spanish or French.


Regardless of the language in which the article is written, authors should respect the Spanish punctuation system according to Word (no space before the semicolon, colon, etc.).


Articles must comply with the principles of text submission, including text typology, maximum lengths and editorial standards. Length : Minimum 15 pages, maximum 20 A4 pages, including abstracts, notes, bibliographical references and appendices. Word .doc format. Justified. Single-spaced. Margins: left and right margins 3 cm, top and bottom margins 2.5 cm. A tab should be used to mark the first line of each paragraph (Word standard, 1.25 cm). Typeface Times New Roman. No page numbering.


The title must be centered, in bold, lowercase, Times New Roman 14 lettering.


After three lines, please type the following in font size 12, right-justified : the first name and surname of the author(s) (in small capitals) (line 1); the name of the parent institution (line 2) and the e-mail address (line 3), both in lower case (Times New Roman).


The article should be preceded by three abstracts (font size 10) of a maximum of 250 words in three languages : English, French and Spanish. The title must be translated into English.

After a blank line, enter 3 to 5 keywords, lower case, font size 11, separated by commas, in the same language as the abstract.

The headings, Abstract/Keywords, Resumen/Palabras clave, Résumé/Mots-clés, should be in lower case, bold, font size 11.

Separation between abstracts: The first summary will begin four lines after the e-mail address. Leave two blank lines between the keywords of the first abstract and the beginning of the second abstract.


The body of the text will begin on the second page.

No words should appear in bold, italics or underlined, with the following exceptions : words belonging to a language other than the one the article is written in; words that are to be highlighted, which may be written in italics.

The titles of the works cited (books, magazines, newspapers, works of art, etc.) should be in italics.

Please do not overuse sections and subsections in the development of the text. If they are used, the titles (including the introduction and conclusion) should be numbered consecutively (1, 2, 3, 4...), preceded by two blank lines and followed by one blank line. Section and subsection headings should be in lower case, bold, font size 12. Subheadings (1.1, 1.2, 1.3, 1.4 ...) should also be in lower case, bold, size 12, preceded and followed by one blank line.


All sources consulted must be cited.

Quotations of fewer than three lines should be included in the text, in double quotation marks (" "), regardless of the language in which the article is written.

For quotations inside another quotation, single quotation marks (' ') should be used.

Quotations longer than three lines should be separated from the body of the text by leaving a blank line before and after the quoted text. A double tab should be used (Word standard, 1.25 cm, times two). No quotation marks and no italics should be used (even for quotations written in a different language). Font size 11.

In both types of citation, the source text must be indicated immediately afterwards, according to the Anglo-Saxon model: (Bakhtine, 1970: 23), (Jordy & Langlade, 1992: 41).


After the heading Bibliographic references (in bold, left-hand paragraph, size 12), the works cited in the article (and only these references) should appear at the end of the text, after two blank lines, in alphabetical order.

In the case of more or less ancient works that are cited through modern editions, the year of the cited edition must be indicated followed by the year of the original edition in brackets.

  • JOANES, Alain. 2008 [2005]. Communiquer par l’image. Paris, Dunod, 2 e éd.

The same procedure will be followed for reissues of recent works:

For books and monographs:

  • ENDERLEIN, Évelyne & Lidiya MIHOVA. 2013. Écrire l’ailleurs au féminin dans le monde slave au XXe siècle. Paris, L’Harmattan.

  • LINO, Mª Teresa & Jean PRUVOST (sous la direction de). 2003. Mots et lexiculture. Paris, Honoré Champion.

  • MARTINS, Cidalia & Jean-Jacques MABILAT. 2016. Guide de communication en français. Paris, Didier.

  • PEREC, George. 1975. W ou le souvenir d’enfance. Paris, Gallimard (coll. L’imaginaire).

  • WOLF, Mauro. 2000. Sociologías de la vida cotidiana. Madrid, Cátedra (col. Teorema).

For book chapters:

  • AUBRY, Anne. 2007. “Le corps dans la thématique paternelle des Contes de Maupassant” in Bonnet, Dominique, María José Chaves García & Nadia Duchêne (eds.). Littérature, Langages et Arts: Rencontres et Création. Huelva, Publicaciones de la Universidad [formato digital CD].

  • DURÁN MUÑOZ, Isabel. 2009. “La traducción turística de calidad: una necesidad indudable en la España de hoy” in Mundo Internet 2009. Actas del XII Congreso Iberoamericano de Internet, Telecomunicaciones y Sociedad de la Información, 558-563.

  • RIVERA MATEOS, Manuel. 2012. “Turismo responsable y relaciones interculturales en el contexto de la globalización” in Rodríguez García, Luis & Antonio Rafael Roldán Tapia (coord.). Interculturalidad: un enfoque interdisciplinar. Córdoba, Universidad de Córdoba, Cátedra Intercultural, 181-205.

For articles:

  • CUSIN-BERCHE, Fabienne. 1997a. “À la recherche de quelques caractéristiques lingusitiques des textes spécialisés et de la rédaction technique” in Le Langage et l’Homme, Revue de l’Institut libre Marie Haps, vol. XXXII, nº 4, 21-55.

  • CUSIN-BERCHE, Fabienne. 1997b. “Sens et contre sens: du cotexte au contexte” in Revue de Sémantique et Pragmatique, nº 1, 135-146.

  • NIKOU, Christos. 2016. “Le mythe de Caïn et Abel dans la littérature romantique: lectures et réécritures” in Cahiers du CREILAC, nº1, 245-265.

  • RUIZ DE ZAROBE, Leyre. 2014. “Pour une introduction de la pragmatique dans l’enseignement du français en Espagne” in Synergies Espagne, nº 7, 133-143.

For doctoral theses:

  • ALONSO MORENO, Marta Asunción. 2018. Negritud, sororidad y memoria: poéticas y polí­ticas de la diferencia en la narrativa de Maryse Condé. Thèse de doctorat, Universidad Complutense de Madrid.

Digital bibliographic sources (web pages, databases, online doctoral theses, etc.):

These sources will appear inserted in the list of general bibliographic references according to the corresponding alphabetical order.

The name of the author or supervisor (Surname, First name), if possible, and date of publication should be indicated. If the date is not available, the date of the last update or revision of the web page should be indicated. The title of the digital source, the place of publication, the publishing house (if applicable), the date of consultation and the URL should also be mentioned:

  • ANDÚJAR MORENO, Gemma. 2010. “La intervención traductora ante la vaguedad semántica del léxico: reflexiones a partir de un ejemplo francés - español” in Cédille. Revista electrónica de Estudios Franceses, nº 6, 11-18: < > [12/11/2021].

  • CALVI, Mª Vittoria. 2019. “Géneros discursivos, diversidad cultural y traducción de textos turísticos” in Altre Modernità: Rivista di studi letterari e culturali, nº. 21, 69-86: <> [12/02/2021].

  • GAMBOA DÍAZ, Paola Andrea, Muriel MOLINIÉ & Isabel TEJADA-SÁNCHEZ. 2019. “Accompagner les parcours Bilingues/Multilingues/Plurilingues via des dispositifs interculturels. Co-construire la formation des enseignants, un enjeu pour le 21e siècle” en Voces y Silencios. Revista Latinoamericana de Educación, nº 10 (1), 3-8: <> [02/07/2020]

  • OMT. 2020. “El turismo internacional sigue adelantando a la economía global”: <> [20/01/2021].

  • Service des bibliothèques de l’UQAM. 2006. “Infosphère”. Canada: UQAM: <> [16/01/2021]


Ilustrations (figures, graphs, diagrams, tables, maps, etc.) inserted in the text should be of sufficient quality to ensure their correct reproduction and should be numbered below (Figure 1, Figure 2, Figure 3, etc.) if necessary. If documents protected by the Spanish Intellectual Property Law are reproduced, the corresponding authorisation must be obtained. It will be up to the authors to present these authorisations.


Footnotes should only be used for further clarification.

Font size 10

Footnotes should be numbered in Arabic numerals and should be continuous (1, 2, 3, 4...). The number referring to the footnote should appear in the text immediately to the right of the corresponding word, in front of the punctuation marks. Use the automatic Word function for this.


The use of abbreviations should be avoided wherever possible. However, their use is recommended to avoid repetition.

Abbreviations such as vid., ibid., op. cit., cf. et al., etc., appearing in the body of the text or in a footnote should be written in italics and lower case.

To send the final version of the articles it must be done through the website of the journal (Anales de Filología Francesa):

Please, send a copy to: , and