As we transition to adulthood, our chances of developing health problems and experiencing various types of pain increases and our muscles and bones undergo changes which can result in a loss of strength. This can have a significant impact on our daily activities, making them more challenging. It can affect our overall performance and limit our capacity to carry out tasks with ease. 

Active Lifestyle

An active lifestyle involves engaging in physical activity on a regular and consistent basis, regardless of its intensity level. This can include simple activities such as walking, jogging, riding a bike, playing sports, swimming, and more. However, it involves more than just participating in physical activities; it also includes making healthy choices, developing healthy habits and behaviors. This includes eating nutritious food and maintaining a positive mindset. 

How can you pursue an active lifestyle and develop a positive mindset towards physical activity during adulthood? 

1.) Think and plan the goals that you want to achieve. 

Thinking and planning the goals we want to achieve enables us to establish realistic and well-planned goals. This prevents us from being overwhelmed by the tasks we have. Thinking and planning our goals serve as a source of motivation, helping us to maintain focus and stay on track. Through this, we can organize our tasks and have a goal to look forward to. 

2.) Be Healthy.

Maintaining good health is important. Eating nutritious foods and avoiding actions that may harm our health are essential for lowering our chances of acquiring serious health problems. A bad lifestyle can lead to conditions like heart disease, cancer, obesity, and others. 

3.) Enjoy what you are doing.

Make your workouts fun and exciting for you to enjoy what you're doing, because if we are having fun on a certain thing, it can relieve stress and make us very comfortable with what we are doing. It can motivate you to push yourself into your limits so that you can achieve your goals. 

4.) Be mindful of doing exercises, keep yourself safe and invest on safe equipment.

First of all, while we are making our body physically fit we need to ensure ourselves that we are capable of what we will do and we are safe to avoid injuries. So being mindful and careful is needed while doing workouts, also we need to be mindful of spending for workout equipment, as much as possible buy only the equipment that you need so that you can save up and spend it on your other needs. 

5.) Do it again and again, and be grateful to yourself for doing hard work.

Be strong and brave, if you fail then accept your failures and do it again until you reach your goals. Be grateful to yourself because all your hard work will be worth it as soon as you reach your goals of being healthy and physically fit. 


Tomorrow Begins in the East.

105 Samson Road, Caloocan City

✆ Manila Campus
✆ Caloocan Campus


© The University of the East, Tomorrow Begins in the East.