Master of None

Joshua Suzuki

Sixth College, Chemical Engineering


Many are familiar with the phrase “Jack of all trades, master of none,” which indicates someone skilled in many things, but not great at any one of them. I have lived my whole life believing that I am that person, that this phrase encompasses me and what I am capable of. While I enjoy doing many things, the growing desire for specialization in the world has hindered me from truly appreciating them.

Physical activity has always been a way of life for me. Being of Japanese descent, I was not given physical gifts such as height or length, but this has not stopped me from pursuing my love for sports. What I have been given is mobility and coordination, and I have used these tools to develop my skills in many sports and activities. Despite the abilities I have, I often wished for Olympic-level talent in one sport, which would make my life much easier to follow.

In school, I have always struggled to find my niche. Not having a calling to any one subject made it difficult to choose a career path that best suits my abilities. This is why I made the decision to attend community college. I’ve always loved the ocean and read lots of books as a child, so I entered college as a marine biology major. However, I soon switched to chemical engineering, a field that I saw more financially promising and where I could make use of my skills in chemistry and math. Even now, as my college experience is nearing the end, I am still unsure of where my future lies and how I fit into the world.

Two years ago, I decided to pick up art, and to this day, it remains one of the best things to ever happen to me. Being artistic is not a common characteristic of males in STEM, and differences such as this have left me struggling to fit in with other engineering students around me. I may be conflicted at times, but what’s important is that I have found something I love through which I can express my creativity and add some value of my own to the world. Being an artist is not limited to my drawing and painting, but is instead reflective of everything I do in life. Whether it be sports, cooking, or other activities, I am able to put my own twist on them, which adds an aspect of creativity and imagination to each part of my identity.

“Jack of all trades, master of none.”

For most of my life, I have viewed this phrase in a negative way and believed that being skilled in many things was one of my biggest flaws. However, as I later found out, there is more to the phrase than what I have been told, and because of this, I now I look at myself in a completely new way. The full quote reads:

“Jack of all trades, master of none, oftentimes better than master of one.”

Realizing the true message of this quote allowed me to remove the curtain that was blinding me and showed me that being a jack of all trades was one of the greatest gifts I have been given. While I will never become a professional athlete, a genius scientist, or famed artist, I can rest at night knowing that there are many things which give my life meaning. My painting I chose to create is broken into 5 sections, each depicting aspects of life which contribute to my identity. With my piece, I hope to convey to others that you don’t have to dedicate your whole life to something in order to be successful or happy. Being true to who you are is what ultimately gives your life value, and the key to achieving this is through resilience. Finding your identity may take time and you will face many doubts, but the revelation brings all the joy and confidence you need to live a purposeful life.

Disclaimer: Many storytellers here shared vulnerable experiences, which might be triggering to some. Please see below for resources.