Quarantined Cat Dreams

Grace Sheehy

Warren College, Sociology - Law & Society

Mosaic Glass

I chose the image of my cat Louise staring out the window of our studio apartment because it captures how so many of us feel when stressed, especially in the midst of a pandemic. Louise and I moved from the farm we both grew up on to this 400 square foot apartment in the city. The transition was hard on her. I sympathized with Louise staring longingly out the window, I also felt trapped. I intentionally made the desk a large portion of the scene because it creates the feeling of being stuck. The bright leaves of the tree are Louis’s dreams, her body covers where the trunk of the tree would be because she is what creates those dreams. Though like many of us, our ability to touch our desires is blocked by something. Yet, they are still real, and we can have them.

I would like to note for those animal lovers, I did take Louise back home to the farm to live with my parents and she is much happier.

My education and my art have been my strength through all the challenges I have faced to get here. I truly believe I am more empathetic and resilient because of my experiences. Mosaic’s are made by taking pieces of broken glass and creating something new.

Resilience, while in the process, can feel unpleasant. For me, most of the time, resilience is just holding on. My life has been consistently unstable, caused by many things out of my control. Which is why I cling to my art and my education in hopes that I will make my own stability. I continue to hold on, I continue to work with the pieces I have, because I know that through these broken pieces I can make something beautiful.