Dr. Shaowei Li


Assistant Professor

Department of Chemistry and Biochemistry

University of California, San Diego


B.Sc., Nankai University, 2010

Ph.D., University of California, Irvine, 2017

Professional Experiences

Kavli ENSI Heising-Simons Junior Fellow, UC Berkeley, 2018-2020

Postdoc Fellow, Northwestern University, 2017-2018

Selected Awards and Honors

Hellman Fellowship, Hellman Foundation (05/2022)

• NSTD Early Career Award, AVS (11/2020)

• 2018 Outstanding Dissertation Award, OCPA (11/2019)

• Physical Chemistry Young Investigator Award, ACS (04/2018)

• Heising-Simons Junior Fellowship, Kavli ENSI, UC Berkeley (01/2018)

• Margaret Burbidge Award, APS Far West Section, (01/2018)