4. Yueqing Shi*, Weike Quan*, Liya Bi, Kangkai Liang, Hao Zhou, Zhiyuan Yin, Zihao Wang, Shaowei Li+, "Operating a Multi-Level Molecular Dimer Switch Through Precise Tip-Molecule Control ".

3. Weike Quan*, Zihao Wang*, Yueqing Shi*, Kangkai Liang, Liya Bi, Hao Zhou, Zhiyuan Yin, Wanlu Li, and Shaowei Li+, "Nano-Scale Manipulation of Single-Molecule Conformational Transition Through Vibrational Excitation".

2. Liya Bi*, Yufei Wang*, Zhe Wang*, Alexandria Do, Alexander Fuqua, Krista P. Balto, Yanning Zhang, Joshua S. Figueroa, Tod A. Pascal, Andrea R. Tao+, and Shaowei Li+ “Molecular-Scale Insights into the Heterogeneous Interactions Between an m-Terphenyl Isocyanide Ligand and Noble Metal Nanoparticles”.

1. Zhiyuan Yin*, Liya Bi*, Yueqing Shi, Shaowei Li+, "An Economical and Efficient Helium Recovery System for Vibration-Sensitive Applications". 


26. Yuancheng Jing, Kangkai Liang, Nicole Muir Author, Hao Zhou, Zhehao Li, Joseph Palasz, Jonathan Sorbie, Chenglai Wang, Scott Cushing, Clifford Kubiak, Zdeněk Sofer, Shaowei Li, Wei Xiong+ "Ultrafast Formation of Charge Transfer Trions at Molecular-Doped 2D MoS2 Interfaces" Angewandte Chemie, 63, e202405123 (2024).

25. Liya Bi, Sasawat Jamnuch, Amanda Chen, Alexandria Do, Krista P. Balto, Zhe Wang, Qingyi Zhu, Yufei Wang, Yanning Zhang, Andrea R. Tao+, Tod A. Pascal+, Joshua S. Figueroa+, Shaowei Li+, "Molecular-Scale Visualization of Steric Effects of Ligand Binding to Reconstructed Au(111) Surfaces". J. Am. Chem. Soc. 146, 17, 11764-11772 (2024).

24. Hao Zhou*, Kangkai Liang*, Liya Bi, Yueqing Shi, Zihao Wang, Shaowei Li+, "Spotlight: Visualization of Moiré Quantum Phenomena in Transition Metal Dichalcogenide with Scanning Tunneling Microscopy". ACS Appl. Electron. Mater. 6, 3, 1530–1541 (2024). (Featured on the Front Cover)

23. Kangkai Liang*, Liya Bi*, Qingyi Zhu, Hao Zhou, Shaowei Li+, "Ultrafast Dynamics Revealed with Time-Resolved Scanning Tunneling Microscopy: A Review", ACS Appl. Opt. Mater. 1, 5, 924–938(2023). (Featured on the Front Cover)

22. Liya Bi, Kangkai Liang, Gregory Czap, Hao Wang, Kai Yang+, Shaowei Li+, "Recent Progress in Probing Atomic and Molecular Quantum Coherence with Scanning Tunneling Microscopy", Prog. Surf. Sci. 98, 100696, (2023). 

21. Shaowei Li, Gregory Czap, Jie Li, Yanxing Zhang, Arthur Yu, Dingwang Yuan, Hikari Kimura, Ruqian Wu, W. Ho+, "Confinement-Induced Catalytic Dissociation of Hydrogen Molecules in a Scanning Tunneling Microscope" J. Am. Chem. Soc. 144, 22, 9618–9623 (2022). (Featured on the Front Cover)

20. Hongyuan Li*, Shaowei Li*+, Emma C. Regan, Danqing Wang, Wenyu Zhao, Salman Kahn, Kentaro Yumigeta, Mark Blei, Takashi Taniguchi, Kenji Watanabe, Sefaattin Tongay, Alex Zettl, Michael F. Crommie+, Feng Wang+, “Imaging Two-Dimensional Generalized Wigner Crystals” Nature 597, 650–654 (2021)

19.  Hongyuan Li*, Shaowei Li*+, Mit H. Naik, Jingxu Xie, Xinyu Li, Emma Regan, Danqing Wang, Wenyu Zhao, Kentaro Yumigeta, Mark Blei, Takashi Taniguchi, Kenji Watanabe, Sefaattin Tongay, Alex Zettl, Steven G. Louie, Michael F. Crommie+, Feng Wang+, "Imaging local discharge cascades for correlated electrons in WS2/WSe2 moiré superlattices", Nat. Phys. 17, 1114–1119 (2021)

18.  Sheng Wang*+, SeokJae Yoo*+, Sihan Zhao, Wenyu Zhao, Salman Kahn, Dingzhou Cui, Fanqi Wu, Lili Jiang, M. Iqbal Utama, Hongyuan Li, Shaowei Li, Alexander Zibrov, Emma Regan, Danqing Wang, Zuocheng Zhang, Kenji Watanabe, Takashi Taniguchi, Chongwu Zhou, and Feng Wang+, "Gate-tunable Plasmons in Mixed-Dimensional van der Waals Heterostructures", Nat. Commum. 12, 5039 (2021).

17.  Jiangtan Yuan, Stephanie Liu, Ahish Shylendra, William Gaviria Rojas, Silu Guo, Hadallia Bergeron, Shaowei Li, Hong-Sub Lee, Shamma Nasrin, Vinod Sangwan, Amit Trivedi, Mark Hersam+, "Reconfigurable MoS2 Memtransistors for Continuous Learning in Spiking Neural Networks", Nano Lett. 21, 6432–6440 (2021)

16.  Canxun Zhang*, Tiancong Zhu*, Salman A. Kahn*, Shaowei Li, Birui Yang, Charlotte Herbig, Xuehao Wu, Hongyuan Li, Kenji Watanabe, Takashi Taniguchi, Stefano Cabrini, Alex Zettl, Michael P. Zaletel+, Feng Wang+, Michael F. Crommie+, “Visualizing delocalized correlated electronic states in twisted double bilayer graphene”, Nat. Commum. 12, 2516 (2021).

15.  Hongyuan Li*, Shaowei Li*+, Mit H. Naik*, Jingxu Xie, Xinyu Li, Jiayin Wang, Emma Regan, Danqing Wang, Wenyu Zhao, Sihan Zhao, Salman Kahn, Kentaro Yumigeta, Mark Blei, Takashi Taniguchi, Kenji Watanabe, Sefaattin Tongay, Alex Zettl, Steven G. Louie+, Feng Wang+, Michael F. Crommie+, “Imaging Moiré Flat Bands in 3D Reconstructed WSe2/WS2 Superlattices”, Nat. Mater. 20, 945–950 (2021)

14. Qiucheng Li, Venkata Surya Chaitanya Kolluru, Matthew S. Rahn, Eric Schwenker, Shaowei Li, Richard G. Hennig, Pierre Darancet, Maria K. Y. Chan, Mark C. Hersam+, “Synthesis of Borophane Polymorphs Through Hydrogenation of Borophene”, Science  371, 1143 (2021)

13. Qiucheng Li, Xiaolong Liu, Eden B Aklile, Shaowei Li, Mark C Hersam+, “Self-Assembled Borophene/Graphene Nanoribbon Mixed-Dimensional Heterostructures” Nano Lett. 21, 4029-4035 (2021)

12.  Jeremy F. Schultz, Shaowei Li, Song Jiang, Nan Jiang*, "Optical scanning tunneling microscopy based chemical imaging and spectroscopy J. Phys.: Condens. Matter. 32, 463001 (2020) 

11. Shaowei Li*, Chengmei Zhong*, Alex Henning*, Vinod K. Sangwan*, Qunfei Zhou*, Xiaolong Liu, Matthew Rahn, Spencer A. Wells, Hong Youl Park, Antonio Facchetti, Jan Luxa, Zdenek Sofer, Pierre Darancet+, Tobin J. Marks+, Lincoln J. Lauhon+, Emily A. Weiss+, and  Mark  C.  Hersam+,  “Molecular-Scale  Characterization  of  Photoinduced  Charge Separation in Mixed-Dimensional InSe-Organic van der Waals Heterostructures”,  ACS Nano 14, 3509 (2020)

10. Shaowei Li, Gregory Czap, Hui Wang, Likun Wang, Siyu Chen, Ruqian Wu+, and W. Ho+, “Bond-selected photodissociation of single molecules adsorbed on metal surfaces” Phys. Rev. Lett.122, 077401 (2019)


9 . Xiaolong Liu, Luqing Wang, Shaowei Li, Matthew S. Rahn, Boris I. Yakobson, and Mark C. Hersam+, “Resolving Atomic Lattice Structures of Borophene Polymorphs with Functionalized Probes” Nat. Commun. 10, 1642 (2019)

8 . Arthur Yu*, Shaowei Li*, and W. Ho+, “Visualization of Nanoplasmonic Coupling to Molecular Orbital in Light Emission Induced by Tunneling Electrons”, Nano Lett. 18, 3076−3080 (2018)

7 . Shaowei Li, Siyu Chen, Jie Li, Ruqian Wu+, and W. Ho+, “Joint Space-Time Coherent Vibration Driven Structural Transition in a Single Molecule” Phys. Rev. Lett. 119, 176002 (2017)

6 . Arthur Yu*, Shaowei Li*, Gregory Czap, and W. Ho+, “Tunneling Electron Induced Light Emission from Single Gold Nanoclusters”, Nano Lett. 16, 5433-5436 (2016) 

5 . Arthur Yu, Shaowei Li, B. Dhital, H. P. Lu, W. Ho+, “Tunneling Electron Induced Charging and Light Emission of Single Panhematin Molecules”, J. Phys. Chem. C 120, 21099-21103 (2016)

4 . Shaowei Li, Dingwang Yuan, Arthur Yu, Gregory Czap, Ruqian Wu+, W. Ho+, “Rotational Spectromicroscopy: Imaging the Orbital Interaction Between Molecular Hydrogen and an Adsorbed Molecule”, Phys. Rev. Lett. 114, 206101 (2015)

3 . Arthur Yu, Shaowei Li, Gregory Czap, and W. Ho+, “Single-Molecule Rotational and Vibrational Spectroscopy and Microscopy with the Scanning Tunneling Microscope”, J. Phys. Chem. C. 119, 14737-14741, (2015)

2 . Hui Wang*, Shaowei Li, H. Y. He*, Arthur Yu, Freddy Toledo, Zhumin Han, W. Ho+, and Ruqian Wu+, “The Trapping and Characterization of a Single Hydrogen Molecule in a Continuously Tunable Nanocavity”, J. Phys. Chem. Lett. 6, 3453-3457 (2015)

1 . Shaowei Li, Arthur Yu, Freddy Toledo, Zhumin Han, Hui Wang, H. Y. He, Ruqian Wu, and W. Ho+, “Rotational and Vibrational Excitations of a Hydrogen Molecule Trapped within a Nanocavity of Tunable Dimension”, Phys. Rev. Lett.111, 146102 (2013)

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