Tip Etching

W Tip Etching

Solution preparation: 


4g NaOH pallets dissolved in 50ml hot H2O around 60℃, swirl. 

Caution: Crossive liquid. Strong base. Serious eye damage.

Disposal: Discard liquid in Green marked waste container at the left of chemical hood.

Etching Voltage: 4~2V DC Two Step

Ag Tip Etching

Solution preparation: 

Base: NH3•H2O+H2O2+EtOH 

mix roughly same volume of each components 

Acid: HClO4+EtOH 

mix roughly 1:3~1:5 perchloric acid into EtOH 

Caution: Crossive liquid. Irritation. Acute Toxic. Oxidizing liquid. Strong Acid. Serious eye damage. 

Warning: Using NH3•H2O may cause Ag precipitate on electrodes which causes short circuit. Be aware of etching process. 


Base: Discard liquid in Green marked waste container at the left of chemical hood. 

Acid: Discard liquid in Red marked waste container at the left of chemical hood.

Etching Voltage: 3V DC One Step, 0.001A shut. Or 20~30% Power, 1.5~2.3A AC