Travel to Santa Cruz

Hotel accommodations and meals are fully paid for by the conference.

We will book accommodations for you at the Hotel Paradox in Santa Cruz. The cost of travel to and from Santa Cruz is usually paid for by your home department. However, travel support is available for those without departmental support. Please see the Reimbursement page for more details.

Hotel Paradox

611 Ocean Street

Santa Cruz, CA 95060


UC Santa Cruz

1156 High Street

Santa Cruz, CA 95060




Carpooling is encouraged. A Facebook group will be available to help connect with other conference participants. If multiple students are attending from your home institution, your department may be able to facilitate carpooling arrangements.

Friday Travel to the Conference

If you are not local, please arrive at Hotel Paradox before 4 pm to check in at the registration desk in the lobby. If you arrive and your room is not ready, you can check in after the conference is finished for the day. Once you are ready to head to campus, you can take a loop shuttle from the front of the hotel to the venue.

If you arrive after 4 pm, please head straight to the conference so you arrive on time. Friday parking will be in lots 109/110. There will be attendants available from 3 - 7 pm with permits; if you arrive outside of that time, you will need to purchase a permit at the kiosk or through ParkMobile.

Parking at the hotel

We request everyone first check in at the hotel. Parking at the hotel is included in your registration; you will receive instructions upon check-in. After you park, please take the shuttle to campus.

Parking Saturday & Sunday

If you miss the shuttle or have a desire to drive to campus, you can park for free in the Core West Parking Structure. Be sure to put your belongings in the trunk or bring them with you.

Sunday Check-out

Please check-out before heading to the conference and bring your vehicle and luggage. There will not be a return shuttle to the hotel on Sunday. You can Park in the Core West structure, linked above. If you cannot bring your luggage with you to campus, you can check with the hotel desk to store it until the conference finishes.

Train & Bus

It is possible to come to UC Santa Cruz by train and bus, but several steps are usually required. Please look at the transit schedules carefully to make sure you will be able to complete the trip even if you face an unexpected delay.

The closest major train station is San Jose Diridon Station. After arriving at Diridon, you can take the Highway 17 Express bus to the Santa Cruz Metro Center. The nearest bus to the hotel is the 35, 66, or 71. You will still have to walk 4 minutes down the street to the hotel. You may prefer a rideshare from the Metro Center to the hotel instead.


Attendees from greater distances may need to fly. Before reserving your flight, you must email us at to get approval for your flight and to work out details. We will provide shuttles from airports to and from the hotel at specific times according to the number of flights needed; details will follow after registration. After arriving at the hotel and checking in, there will be shuttles to take you to the conference from there.

We recommend flying into San Jose International Airport (SJC) if possible. This is the closest major airport to UC Santa Cruz, about 35 miles from campus. If necessary, it is also possible to come to campus via San Francisco Interational Airport (SFO), about 60 miles away. See the maps below.

San Jose International Airport (SJC)

San Francisco International Airport (SFO)