

Conference lodging will be provided at the Hotel Paradox in Santa Cruz. Attendees will be housed two to a room, each with their own bed. We welcome room-mate requests on the registration form and will do our best to assign room-mates accordingly; if requests are not made, we will group students by school where possible.

Upon arrival at the hotel, please check in at the front desk. Have your photo ID available. Any purchases may not be charged to the room; a personal credit card must be used.

Parking at the hotel will not be paid for by the conference. Please see the Travel section for more information on where to park.


Meals, snacks, and coffee breaks will be provided by the UC Santa Cruz Catering Department. Any dietary restrictions should be noted upon registering for the conference and reasonable accommodations will be made. However, if you still have concerns please email us at

Additional accommodations

If you need any additional accommodations to have a comfortable conference experience, please let us know! You will have the opportunity to indicate any needs during the registration process, but please contact us at if you have any questions or concerns. We will make every effort to meet your needs.